Project description
Supporting the career path of doctoral candidates
To facilitate the acquisition of tailored entrepreneurial and leadership skills, the EU-funded EPFLglobaLeaders project aims to attract outstanding PhD candidates from around the world to Switzerland’s Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). The programme will increase the PhD candidates’ knowledge and awareness about timely social questions. It will also prepare them for leadership roles, with a focus on global challenges and a sustainable society. The overall aim of EPFLglobaLeaders is to reach out to excellent PhD candidates and provide them with the training, experience and guidance they need to boost their careers.
The École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is one of the two Federal Institutes of Technology in Switzerland. The School has three missions: i) education, ii) research, and iii) technology transfer. EPFL is successful in fulfilling these missions, being ranked as one of Europe’s top institutions with respect to education, research, training-through-research and innovation.
As a world-leading scientific institution, EPFL needs to play a critical role in the transition towards a sustainable society based on technology and innovation. In addition to new knowledge and technology, this requires scientific leaders with the ability to see problems as a whole and to think across boundaries.
'EPFLglobaLeaders' is a new and innovative doctoral initiative, which aims to attract to EPFL outstanding PhD candidates from all over the world seeking to - and with the potential to - become leaders in the transition towards sustainable societies. The programme aims to (i) increase their knowledge and awareness – from the very beginning of their PhD studies - on pressing societal questions, (ii) increase their capacity to come up with technological and innovative answers that address global challenges, (iii) and prepare them to take leadership roles - with a focus on global challenges and a sustainable society - in private companies, academic research, non profit organisations, etc.
The programme will bring to excellent PhD candidates the appropriate training, experience, and guidance to boost their career as well as their readiness and aptitude for societal impact. The PhD programme is open to applicants in any of the disciplines available at EPFL. Selected candidates will carry out their PhD studies to a large extent at one of the five EPFL campuses, and will benefit from a multifaceted training programme - including a secondment in the non-academic sector and a formal Leadership Training.
1015 Lausanne