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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

French Institute for Advanced Study

Description du projet

Soutenir la recherche individuelle en sciences sociales et humaines

Des chercheurs internationaux expérimentés vont profiter d’une opportunité de renforcer leur compétences académiques et leur mobilité dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales au sein des Instituts français d’études avancées de Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier et Paris. Le projet FIAS, financé par l’UE, est conçu pour favoriser les échanges intellectuels entre les boursiers et la communauté scientifique locale. Plus de 100 bourses d’une durée de dix mois soutiendront des recherches individuelles. L’expérience vise à fournir aux boursiers les conditions leur permettant de donner un élan significatif à leur carrière professionnelle. Concrètement, elle les libérera de leurs obligations administratives et pédagogiques afin qu’ils puissent accomplir en peu de temps ce qui leur prendrait des années dans un contexte normal. Ils seront par ailleurs amenés à acquérir une expérience de travail auprès des cohortes internationales et multidisciplinaires de boursiers.


The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme proposes to strengthen scholarship and mobility in the Social Sciences and Humanities by enlarging and upgrading the offering of scientific residencies in France to international experienced researchers. It will provide SSH scholars worldwide the possibility to spend one academic year in four of France’s most innovative scientific regions. The four French Institutes for Advanced Study of Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier and Paris teamed up to propose a unified and simplified entry point to their much-coveted scientific residencies.

FIAS-FP will support individual research as fellows, released from teaching and academic commitments, will conduct in unsegmented time bottom-up research with the greatest freedom, with the IAS strong scientific and extra-academic support. The FIAS-FP experience is designed to provide fellows with the material and intellectual conditions that will generate a significant boost to their professional careers:
1. It enables fellows to produce in a short time what would have taken years to do in the fragmented time at their home institutions (because of administration and teaching commitments);
2. They get exposed to the collective benevolent intelligence of international and multidisciplinary cohorts of fellows, which brings their work to a higher, and often transdisciplinary level;
3. This new international and interdisciplinary network is an asset for scholarship and project building;
4. They are offered a vast range of training opportunities to improve their research and non-academic skills.
FIAS-FP is thus designed to foster intellectual exchanges amongst fellows and with the local scientific community, exposing them to innovative methods, opening new theoretical horizons, and creating international transdisciplinary networks among fellows and beyond.

FIAS-FP will offer 120 fellowships of 10-month to experienced SSH researchers over a 60-month period.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 445 000,00
69007 Lyon

Voir sur la carte

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Rhône-Alpes Rhône
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 4 890 000,00