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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Spatio-functional cellular interplay in peripheral nerve diseases

Description du projet

Déchiffrer le rôle de l’interaction cellulaire dans les maladies neuromusculaires

Les maladies neuromusculaires sont les affections neurologiques les moins traitables et sont causées par des défauts dans les cellules de l’unité neuromusculaire: motoneurones, cellules gliales et myocytes. Le projet AxoMyoGlia, financé par l’UE, a pour objectif ambitieux d’élucider l’interaction moléculaire spatiale et fonctionnelle entre les cellules de l’unité neuromusculaire. La recherche se concentrera sur les neuropathies périphériques démyélinisantes et utilisera des modèles murins neuropathiques afin de générer un interactome cellulaire transcriptionnel de l’unité neuromusculaire malade à un niveau de résolution unicellulaire. Le projet vise à mettre au jour des mécanismes pathologiques qui seront pertinents pour le développement de stratégies thérapeutiques pour les maladies neuromusculaires.


Neuromuscular disorders belong to the most common but least treatable neurological conditions and are caused by defects in cell types that together build the neuromuscular unit – motoneurons and their axons, glial cells and myocytes. Clinically, neuromuscular diseases share an impairment of motor function and the intimate functional relationship of involved cell types suggests overlapping pathological mechanisms. As our current understanding is largely confined to locally isolated processes, the present AxoMyoGlia proposal will undertake the ambitious approach to elucidate the spatial dimensions of the molecular interplay among the key cellular players of the neuromuscular unit. By taking demyelinating peripheral neuropathies as a powerful model system, I aim at unravelling basic principles of how local glial impairment propagates malfunction within the neuromuscular unit, including potential remote axon and muscle feedback mechanisms. To this end, I will employ neuropathic mouse models and generate a holistic transcriptional cellular interactome of the diseased neuromuscular unit at single cell resolution level. With milli- to nanometer imaging precision, this interactome will be extended to the first visualization of the spatial relation between glial and axonal dysfunction along the entire longitudinal dimension of the nerve. In order to untangle local and distant causes from consequences, I will develop an innovative mouse model that will offer the unprecedented option to specifically induce and examine the global consequences of locally restricted glial neuropathy at any position in the neuromuscular system. With its pioneering multimodal approach to converge different areas of neuromuscular research, AxoMyoGlia aims at uncovering general pathological mechanisms at the interface of basic neuroscience and applied neurology - that will be highly relevant for therapeutic advance in neuromuscular diseases and related disorders of the central nervous system.

Régime de financement

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 492 175,00
04109 Leipzig

Voir sur la carte

Sachsen Leipzig Leipzig
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 492 175,00

Bénéficiaires (1)