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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Remaking Health in a Microbial Planet by Crossing Space, Time, Species and Epistemic Cultures

Descrizione del progetto

Comprendere in che modo le dinamiche simbiotiche possono trasformare le pratiche sanitarie

In tempi di intensa transizione economica, ecologica e sociotecnica, è importante capire gli aspetti contrastanti ma fondamentali della convivenza e del rapporto tra microbi ed esseri umani. La scienza del microbioma ha chiarito le conseguenze di tale simbiosi sulla salute e sull’ecologia. Concentrandosi sulle modalità con cui nuovi concetti culturali e pratiche sanitarie possono nascere grazie all’aiuto della scienza del microbioma, il progetto HealthXCross, finanziato dall’UE, approfondirà in che modo la salute diventi riconfigurabile in un mondo intrecciato con dati microbici nel tempo, nello spazio e nelle specie. Tramite un approccio etnografico, HealthXCross aspira a studiare i confini labili tra gli organismi umani e gli ambienti e a fornire informazioni aggiornate circa l’interazione della produzione di conoscenze e dell’adeguamento delle pratiche sanitarie.


Microbiome science is popularizing a symbiotic understanding of health and ecology. What microbiome science now knows is that microbes entangle the health of people and environments; what we don’t know is how, in this process, new cultural concepts and practices of health may emerge. This project asks: how does health come to be reconfigured in a world entangled through microbial data? HealthXCross is a multi-sited, comparative ethnographic study of how scientists produce and coordinate knowledge within interdisciplinary platforms that collect, compare and integrate microbial data across time, space and species in order to produce simulations for intervening in both environmental and human health. HealthXCross is an ethnographic inquiry into the implications of the environment as a body - and vice versa - through analysis of the tensions between the emancipatory and the dystopian effects of dissolving boundaries between human bodies and environments. With this aim, my project will examine how these research platforms 1) remake notions of biological diversity through technology by crossing conventional categorizations (space, time, species) and epistemic cultures, 2) create and emerge from the diverse spacetimes of innovations across the global North and the global South and 3) shape new trends in healthcare and health governance. HealthXCross will create a participatory design with scientists, who are among stakeholders in the public discourse about what it means to be human and how to live in an entangled planet. My project will offer timely insights into the interplay between knowledge making and changing health practices in times of profound ecological, socio-technical and economic transition. HealthXCross will dramatically advance anthropological understandings of the contradictory but constitutive aspects of living together and being in relation.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Istituzione ospitante

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 367 062,00
30123 Venezia

Mostra sulla mappa

Nord-Est Veneto Venezia
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 367 062,00

Beneficiari (1)