Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MediaFutures (MediaFutures, Data-driven innovation hub for the media value chain)
Reporting period: 2020-09-01 to 2021-08-31
MediaFutures enables the co-creation of new approaches, experiences, technologies and novel moderation forms for social media platforms to detect and decrease the negative effects of deep fakes, hate speech and other forms of harmful content. Thus MediaFutures generates a digital innovation framework enabling entrepreneurs to address challenges in the media sector, while making data understandable via digital tools. MediaFutures' digital innovation framework includes funding, mentoring and support for novel entrepreneurial and creative initiatives to reshape the media value chain. Its participatory, inclusive innovation programme leverages impulses from multiple disciplines, and supports synergies between entrepreneurs and creatives.
The communication and dissemination activities targeted relevant stakeholders and a wider audience with a focus on the 1st open call and 1st cohort. In its first year, MediaFutures reached out to more than 3 Mio. people via partners and network channels, mainly actors of the media value chain, independent artists, artistic and cultural organizations, tech and scientific community. The communication and dissemination strategy, project identity and tools (website, social media accounts, dissemination material, etc.) were set. The project actively networks with important initiatives (e.g. S+T+ARTS, BDVA), H2020 projects, and was presented in many events. The exploitation strategy and methodology to assess socio-economic, democratic and technological impacts was defined.
Clear project management framework, governance structure, collaborative infrastructure and reporting procedures are established. This includes administration activities, procedures and guidelines for activity planning and monitoring, cost and time management, preparation and timely submission of review reports and deliverables. Bodies and exchange formats are set up to facilitate decision making, progress and quality. Raised ethical issues, i.e. declaration of compliance, Ethics Risks, Data Protection Impact Assessment, were addressed. The data minimisation principle, technical, organisational and security measures, measures to protect freedom of speech for data subjects and participants were described and implemented.
The dedicated impact assessment methodology is developed using a co-design approach, spurring exchange as per expected outputs, outcomes and impact and improvement potential. As per the impact assessment of supported initiatives, interviews were conducted with all projects teams and further data gathering (with semi-structured questionnaires) is undergoing. Project results, i.e. toolkit, mentoring, training, artworks, products, services, increased awareness of general public on societal issues, knowledge sharing and networks are self sustainable. Other results, i.e. product and service portfolio, community and ecosystem need to be sustained with further efforts and dedication. Preliminary plans to sustain these results will be refined, drawing on exploitation and sustainability plans. Results and impacts of the toolkit and experiments will materialise after the reporting period. The toolkit will be published in M18, incl. background, learnings and case studies on human data and AI interaction, legal and ethical questions, entrepreneurship, sustainable business models, citizen participation, science-art interfaces and innovation. It will facilitate knowledge transfer towards future programmes, inform future calls and policies, and increase the impact of the project. Experiments with our cohorts will contribute insights into the use of specialised apps and social media platforms for discussions and consensus; and the influence of deliberation in a structured digital environment on decision-making. Communicating project activities and outputs is of strategic importance to reach specific objectives and KPIs. The MediaFutures communication and dissemination strategy maximises its impact, taking into account diverse target groups and their specific background in terms of knowledge, context, motivation and potential uptake of various media. Important tools for this purpose are our website, publishing all MediaFutures outputs and presenting the funded projects, and the social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.