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Graphene Flagship 2D Experimental Pilot Line

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 2D-EPL (Graphene Flagship 2D Experimental Pilot Line)

Période du rapport: 2020-10-01 au 2022-09-30

This report describes the progress during the first 24 months of the 2D Experimental Pilot Line (2D-EPL) which is linked to the Graphene Flagship. During this time, we have established the foundations necessary to meet our overall objectives. The ambition is to establish a European ecosystem for prototype production of Graphene Related Materials (GRM) based electronics, photonics and sensors.

Established tool vendors have designed and fabricated dedicated tools for growth, transfer and encapsulation, which are/will be installed in the pilot line sites to be tested for GRM integration. Recognised materials suppliers, are supplying standards and developing new materials for testing. These collaborations allow us to, step-by-step, bridge the gap between the lab and processing in accordance with semiconductor industry standards.

In parallel, the 2D-EPL is developing wafer-level integration solutions by benchmarking and characterising differently known state-of-the-art processes to package them in an offering for prototyping services. The 2D-EPL has not only offered tailor-designed graphene and related materials (GRM) integration services, but also successfully launched two calls for Multi-Project Wafer runs (MPW) as defined in the DoA.
The main results of the 2D-EPL so far are described in the specific sections for the different work packages. In this part, we will focus on the key results achieved up to M24 which are the foundations for the future of the 2D-EPL.

In WP1, which deals with the growth of high-quality GRM, a 200/300mm compatible reactor CCS (Close Coupled Showerhead)-Technology based MOCVD reactor for the growth of GRM materials (graphene and TMDC) is built (AIX.L) and is under a preliminary system testing phase at AIXTRON (AIX.S). On the delivered CuNi templates by IMEC to AIX.S graphene growth is further developed at moderate temperatures ~ 780C. GSEMI provided the project partners with 150 and 200mm graphene transferred from Cu-foils, with demonstrated mobility > 2000 cm/Vs. These layers are currently implemented in the first MPW run by AMO.

WP2 tackles the challenge of transferring a single GRM layer, grown at wafer level to the target wafer. Initial effort went to the preparation of the target wafer and studying the effect of topography on the strain in the layers. Also, two delamination tools were defined in the proposal. The tool in development by SUSS has two water injection systems that can be used for controlled water intercalation between the TMDC and substrate. Additionally, a drying arm has been engineered. Due to scientific findings, this initial tool plan was redesigned. An additional delay in the supply chain resulting in a later tool delivery to IMEC than expected. The scheduled shipment date is now at the end November 2022. Regarding the second tool to enable graphene delamination with a rigid carrier by AIX.L it has been found that the electrochemical delamination approach is not viable. AIX.L plans to continue exploring modifications of the wafer catalyst stack, and in parallel built a custom tool to electropolish the copper foil and specialised foil holders for the CVD reactor at GSEMI.

In WP3 the process modules are developed beyond the GRM layer transfer, dealing with interface optimisation, dielectric deposition and patterning. AMO, IHP, IMEC and VTT have continued processing runs for the baseline reference modules. Also, in this WP, quality control protocols are defined to monitor device performance. The work on standardisation ensured that these protocols are also available outside the 2D-EPL in collaboration with the Graphene Flagship standardisation committee and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

The first two MPW runs were carefully prepared in WP4. Currently, the first run by AMO is in the fabrication phase with 14 customers participating. The second MPW run organised by VTT opened for applications in July 2022 and closed in October 2022. In total, 28 requests were received.

The project continues to use different channels (conferences, press, workshops, digital media), to ensure that stakeholders are aware of the 2D-EPL's activities, and how they can reach out or participate in these activities. A joint workshop series with EUROPRACTICE was key to helping us reach a broader community and larger pool of potential customers.
During the first year of the project, we established the foundations for exploitation and dissemination activities by setting up a unique brand identity, a website and a series of workshops to communicate the progress of the project and reach out to potential customers. In the second year these activities have been intensified to inform the community about the launch of the first and second MPW runs and attract customers to these actions. A conference series co-organised with EUROPRACTICE allowed us to reach more potential end-users and helped the 2D-EPL forge connections to the EUROPRACTICE ecosystem.

The first MPW run successfully closed in June with 35 expressions of interests resulting in a total of 14 paying customers which demonstrates strong interest in the services provided by the 2D-EPL.

Today, the 2D-EPL is attracting interest in the generic (GRM integration only) MPW runs from larger companies, research institutes, universities and start-ups. This demonstrates the high value of this service for the community as customers will be able to evaluate the maturity of these GRM technologies. At the same time, the 2D-EPL can collect important customer feedback on specific expectations and customer needs. Hence, the launch of these MPW runs is an important vehicle allowing the community to access and test the technology in view of future integration with dedicated semiconductor technologies. In the long term, we believe systems will benefit from GRM co-integration with other technologies (e.g. CMOS, analog MOS, Si photonics, etc.).