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Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SCALE-UP (Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles)

Période du rapport: 2021-06-01 au 2022-11-30

The strategic goal of SCALE-UP is to develop data-driven and user-centric strategies at the right scale (FUA/ TEN-T) to accelerate the take-up of smart, clean and inclusive mobility, and become well-connected and multi-usage urban nodes, to the level needed to meet climate targets and European transport policy objectives. The 3 advanced TEN-T nodes Antwerp, Madrid and Turku team up and implement 28 innovative mobility measures within 5 intervention fields: GOVERNANCE, MULTIMODAL HUBS, DATA CLEAN SAFE AND INCLUSIVE and BEHAVIOUR.

These 5 intervention fields are directly linked to the following 5 strategic objectives of the project:

1. Improve multi-level governance and multi-stakeholder cooperation enabling seamless multimodal transport across TEN-T urban node area (GOVERNANCE).
2. Develop well (inter-) connected and multimodal nodes for passengers and freight as the backbone of a resilient mobility system, including network optimisations (MULTIMODALITY).
3. To develop data driven mobility strategies and tools to stimulate seamless multimodal transport of passengers and freight and optimise network capacity across the functional urban area (DATA).
4. Provide access to clean, safe and inclusive mobility solutions (CLEAN - SAFE - INCLUSIVE).
5. Change travel behaviour with a focus on inclusive, clean, active and healthy modes of transport (BEHAVIOUR).

A sixth strategic objective defines how the project delivers evidence of the effectiveness of the different actions in relation to EU climate and transport targets and how it accelerates the take-up of these solutions amongst and beyond SCALE-UP urban areas.
As a general view of the work progress during this period, all the WP are ongoing, and the status of each WP is as follows:

• WP1 (Strategies for vertical and horizontal upscaling): the frameworks for effective strategies for vertical and horizontal upscaling are under development.
• WP2 (Governance): the 3 urban nodes (Antwerp, Madrid, and Turku) are working on innovative governance models, with the cooperation of different stakeholders. 20% of the measures are in the research phase, 60% under implementation and 20% being monitored.
• WP3 (Multimodality): Antwerp, Madrid, and Turku are planning, implementing and monitoring the measures linked to multimodal transport systems. 75% of the measures are under the implementation phase and 25% being monitored
• WP4 (Data): the 3 urban nodes are working on the measures linked to tools and digitalization for their transport systems (40% progress). All the measures (100%) are in the implementation phase.
• WP5 (Clean, safe and inclusive): clean, safe, and inclusive mobility measures are under development in Antwerp, Madrid and Turku. 25% of the measures are in the research phase, 50% under implementation and 25% being monitored.
• WP6 (Behaviour): the measures focused on achieving a change of behaviour among the users are being planned and implemented. All the measures (100%) are in the implementation phase.
• WP7 (Monitoring and evaluation): the evaluation framework and plan were already defined and the baseline situation at city and FUA level reported.
• WP8 (Knowledge exchange and take-up): a structured programme for knowledge exchange and capacity building activities was put forward and dedicated knowledge exchange webinars among the 3 cities, study visits, and cities’ sessions were carried out during this 1st reporting period .
• WP9 (Communication and dissemination): the communication and dissemination plan, the online platform, the newsletter, the webpage and other dissemination materials are created.
• WP10 (Project management and ethics): the project is being continuously managed by the responsible partners and the framework for the Ethics and Data Management requirements developed.
28 measures in the 3 urban nodes are progressing as planned with two small deviations:

• Measures A1, A3, A4, A5, A7, A8, A9, A10, M2, M4, M6, M8, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T8, T9 and T10 are in the implementation phase. T10 is delayed according to the GA since T10 should be in monitoring scenario.
• Measures A2, M3, M5 and M7 are in the monitoring and demonstration period.
• Measures M1, A6 and T7 are in the research and planning scenario. T7 is slightly delayed in comparison with the GA.

The alignment and interrelations between the cities, the Functional Urban Areas (FUA) and the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) are defined as well as the integration of the 3 horizontal layers that conform the multi-layered mobility system. These frameworks served as inputs to provide recommendations for other cities to improve their mobility system.

A SCALE-UP evaluation framework was developed with add-ons on the Civitas evaluation framework with a focus on the specific SCALE-UP strategies: FUA level indicators including relevant SUMI indicators and first aspects to be monitored to understand the status of horizontal and vertical integration including the interaction with the TEN-T level. Description of the FUA level Baseline with a calculation of the relevant Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI) and workshop to describe the context for change in each urban node.
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