Descripción del proyecto
Una red de formación para la investigación ganadera
La ganadería es un importante sector agropecuario y la aplicación de las prácticas adecuadas es fundamental para la gestión del ganado. El objetivo del proyecto MonoGutHealth, financiado con fondos europeos, es elaborar estrategias nutricionales con ingredientes bioactivos capaces de influir en el desarrollo perinatal de animales monogástricos. En concreto, los socios del proyecto adoptarán medidas para favorecer la colonización microbiana óptima del intestino y el desarrollo corporal saludable en cerdos y pollos, que los hará más resistentes a microorganismos patógenos. El plan consiste en crear una red para formar a investigadores noveles y ofrecerles los conocimientos necesarios para mejorar el bienestar y la eficiencia general de la ganadería.
The overall objective of MonoGutHealth is to provide an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international training experience for ESR’s in an inspiring, novel and highly topical area of livestock research encompassing animal husbandry, social innovations and entrepreneurship. The 11 ESR projects will explore strategies employing nutritional and/or bioactive ingredients to influence perinatal development in monogastrics. The objective being to support optimal microbial colonisation of the gut and healthy body development in pigs and chickens. As a result, livestock will be more resilient to environmental and health challenges and ultimately the number of medicinal treatments will be reduced. MonoGutHealth will contribute to improvements in welfare and in the overall production efficiency of livestock production. Specifically, ESR projects will explore the efficiency of innovative feeding strategies prior to birth and/or during the early neonatal periods to improve the development of the gastrointestinal tract [GIT] and its microbiome and to enhance resilience to pathogen challenges. This will be achieved through intersectoral and synergistic collaborations between industry partners, academic and non-academic beneficiaries to generate innovative tools for more resilient livestock. At the end of this ETN, we will have provided in-depth training in scientific and soft skills for a new ‘breed’ of researchers who can seamlessly cross the traditional discipline boundaries and identify and implement the most appropriate tools required to comprehensively answer pressing current and future challenges in science and/or industry.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Coordinador
3003 Bern