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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Next-GENeration IoT sOlutions for the Universal Supply chain

Resultado final

Smart end-to-end iNGENIOUS IoT system

Deliverable assessing the smart endtoend iNGENIOUS IoT network layer

Final evaluation and validation

The achieved results in the deployment of PoCs and trials for the different trials are presented in this deliverable including the technical validation of iNGENIOUS use cases

System and architecture integration (Initial)

Initial version of iNGENIOUS crosslayer architecture

Regulatory framework and business models (Initial)

Initial report of local national and European regulatory framework with respect to iNGENIOUS application domains as well as business models initial exploration

Key technologies for IoT data management benchmark

Baseline description of key technologies for secure and interoperable IoT data management as well as the description of technical objectives for iNGENIOUS technologies

Multi-technologies network for IoT

Initial technical deliverable of connectivity innovations at radio and core network as well as at edge and service layer

Limitations and improvement axis for the communication of IoT devices

Benchmark report of IoT devices at different levels hardware processing connectivity and service axis

Regulatory framework and business models (Final)

Final report of iNGENIOUS application domains regulatory framework and business models assessment taken into account economic and component considerations as well as strategic outcomes

Proposals for Next generation of connected IoT modules

Report addressing the air interface IoT connectivity solutions of iNGENIOUS in line with 3GPP evolution

Service orchestration at the edge

Report describing the enhancements with respect to MANO network slicing and federated MEC services within the scope of IoT environments as well as fast and finegrained AIML algorithms specific IoT network optimizations

Mid-term dissemination, standardisation and exploitation report

This deliverable reports the complete set of activities towards dissemination standardisation and impact assessment performed in the project during the first half along with a first view of the achieved objectives of exploitation of the partners

Bio-haptic and XR-enabled IoT devices

Report describing the development and integration of immersive devices such as HeadMounted Displays with Mixed Reality applications and haptic gloves with physiological assessment features

Smart NR and NG-RAN IoT designs

Report describing the smart IoT RAN architecture innovations of the project

Use cases, KPIs, requirements

Report identifying projects use cases defining instrumental service and operational KPIs as well as functional and nonfunctional requirements

Secure, private and more efficient HW solutions for IoT devices

Report describing the development on edge IoT sensors and componentised microkernelbased OS with a tilebased HW architecture

Final iNGENIOUS data management framework

Final report describing the Interoperability Platform its architecture implementation including its components and interfaces

Final dissemination, standardisation and exploitation report

This deliverable reports the complete set of activities towards dissemination standardisation and impact assessment performed in the project consolidated status of the achieved objectives of exploitation of the partners

System and architecture integration (Final)

Final design of iNGENIOUS crosslayer architecture specifying the interconnection among the different technological solutions of WP3 WP4 and WP5

Core network automation design for 5G-IoT

Report describing the smart IoT Core Network innovations of the project to be aggregate to 5GC SBA including TSN or selforganized network resources

Baseline iNGENIOUS data management framework

Initial report describing the Interoperability Platform its architecture implementation including its components and interfaces

Data management plan

The Data Management Plan will detail the consortium organisation procedure that will support the management of the project and thus the successful implementation of the iNGENIOUS activities as described in the work plan Guidelines for collaboratively utilising shared spaces and tools along with management responsibilities will be provided therein


A transparent distributed ledger-based certificate revocation scheme for VANETs

Autores: Andrea Tesei, Domenico Lattuca, Marco Luise, Paolo Pagano, Joaquim Ferreira, Paulo C. Bartolomeu
Publicado en: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Edición Volume 212, 2023, ISSN 1084-8045
Editor: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2022.103569

Alternative Chirp Spread Spectrum Techniques for LPWANs

Autores: Bizon Franco de Almeida, Ivo and Chafii, Marwa and Nimr, Ahmad and Fettweis, Gerhard
Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Edición vol. 5, no. 4,, 2021, Página(s) 1846-1855, ISSN 2473-2400
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/tgcn.2021.3085477

A Robust and Low-Complexity Walsh-Hadamard Modulation for Doubly-Dispersive Channels

Autores: R. Bomfin, A. Nimr, M. Chafii and G. Fettweis
Publicado en: IEEE Communications Letters, Edición vol. 25, no. 3, 2021, Página(s) 897-901, ISSN 1089-7798
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/lcomm.2020.3034429

Choose, Not Hoard: Information-to-Model Matching for Artificial Intelligence in O-RAN

Autores: J. Martín-Pérez, N. Molner, F. Malandrino, C. J. Bernardos, A. de la Oliva and D. Gomez-Barquero
Publicado en: IEEE Communications Magazine, Edición vol. 61, no. 4, 2023, Página(s) pp. 58-63, ISSN 1558-1896
Editor: IEEE Communications Society
DOI: 10.1109/mcom.003.2200401

Machine type communications: key drivers and enablers towards the 6G era

Autores: Mahmood, N.H., Böcker, S., Moerman, I. et al.
Publicado en: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Edición 134, 2021, ISSN 2158-0537
Editor: Springer Publishing
DOI: 10.1186/s13638-021-02010-5

A Novel Approach for Cancellation of Non-Aligned Inter Spreading Factor Interference in LoRa Systems

Autores: Zhang, Qiaohan & Bizon Franco de Almeida, Ivo & Kumar, Atul & Martinez, Ana & Chafii, Marwa & Fettweis, Gerhard
Publicado en: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022, ISSN 2644-125X
Editor: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
DOI: 10.1109/ojcoms.2022.3174893

System-Level Performance Evaluation of 5G Use Cases for Industrial Scenarios

Autores: Miguel Cantero; Saúl Inca; Andrea Ramos; Manuel Fuentes; David Martín-Sacristán; Jose F. Monserrat
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición vol. 11,, 2023, Página(s) pp. 37778-37789, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3266981

Reducing port city congestion through data analysis,simulation, and artificial intelligence to improve thewell-being of citizens

Autores: Wolfgang Lehmachera, Mikael Lindb, Jussi Poikonenc, Joan Meseguerdand Jose Luis Carcel Cervera
Editor: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/24724718.2022.2133524

A Robust Baseband Transceiver Design for Doubly-Dispersive Channels

Autores: Roberto Bomfin; Marwa Chafii; Ahmad Nimr; Gerhard Fettweis
Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Edición vol. 20, no. 8, 2021, Página(s) 4781-4796, ISSN 1536-1276
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/twc.2021.3062263

Implementation and Calibration of the 3GPP Industrial Channel Model for ns-3

Autores: Ramos Andrea; Estrada Yanet; Cantero Miguel; Romero Jaime; Martin-Sacristan David; Inca Saul; Fuentes, Manuel; Monserrat Jose F
Publicado en: Proceedings of Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), Edición June 22-23, 2022, 2022
Editor: ns-3

Fast Privileged Function Calls

Autores: Till Miemietz, Maksym Planeta, Viktor Reusch, Jan Bierbaum, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig
Publicado en: Systems for Post-Moore Architectures, 2022
Editor: Systems for Post-Moore Architectures

Efficient and Scalable Core Multiplexing with M3v

Autores: Asmussen Nils; Haas, Sebastian; Weinhold, Carsten; Miemietz, Till; Roitzsch, Michael
Publicado en: Proceedings of 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2021
Editor: 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems

A Trusted Communication Unit for Secure Tiled Hardware Architectures

Autores: Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen
Publicado en: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2022, Página(s) pp. 1-4
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icecs202256217.2022.9971056

Waveform Design for Power-Domain Asynchronous NOMA

Autores: Martin Sigmund, Roberto Bomfin, Marwa Chafii, Ahmad Nimr, Gerhard Fettweis
Publicado en: Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Edición June 2022, 2022
Editor: IEEE Vehicular Technology

Blind Transmitter Localization Using Deep Learning: A Scalability Study

Autores: I. Bizon, A. Nimr, P. Schulz, M. Chafii and G. P. Fettweis
Publicado en: 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2023, Página(s) pp. 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-9122-8
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/wcnc55385.2023.10119115

Slashing the Disaggregation Tax in Heterogeneous Data Centers with FractOS

Autores: Lluís Vilanova, Lina Maudlej, Shai Bergman, Till Miemietz, Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig, Mark Silberstein
Publicado en: Proceedings of EuroSys’22, 2021
Editor: EuroSys’22

Iterative Receiver for Power-Domain NOMA with Mixed Waveforms

Autores: Martin Sigmund, Roberto Bomfin, Marwa Chafii, Ahmad Nimr, Gerhard Fettweis
Publicado en: Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Edición Apr 2022, 2022
Editor: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking

iNGENIOUS: Next-Generation IoT solutions for theuniversal supply chain

Autores: Nuria, Molner, Erin Seder, Carsten Weinhold, David Gomez-Barquero
Publicado en: Poster in European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) and the 6G Summit, 2021
Editor: European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) and the 6G Summit

RATLS: Integrating Transport Layer Security with Remote Attestation

Autores: Walther, R., Weinhold, C., Roitzsch, M.
Publicado en: Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops, Edición vol 13285, 2022, ISBN 978-3-031-16814-7
Editor: Springer, Cham
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16815-4_20

Towards Efficient Oversubscription: On the Cost and Benefit of Event-Based Communication in MPI

Autores: J. Bierbaum, M. Planeta and H. Hartig
Publicado en: 2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers, 2022, Página(s) pp. 1-10
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ross56639.2022.00001

Channel Estimation for MIMO Space Time Coded OTFS under Doubly Selective Channels

Autores: Roberto Bomfin, Marwa Chafii, Ahmad Nimr and Gerhard Fettweis
Publicado en: Proceedings of WS15 IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation, Edición June 2021, 2021
Editor: IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation

Experimental Performance of Blind Position Estimation Using Deep Learning

Autores: I. Bizon, Z. Li, A. Nimr, M. Chafii and G. P. Fettweis
Publicado en: GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2022, Página(s) pp. 4553-4557, ISBN 9781665435413
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/globecom48099.2022.10001103

A Study on Iterative Equalization for DFTs-OFDM Waveform under sub-THz Channels

Autores: Roberto Bomfin, Ahmad Nimr and Gerhard Fettweis
Publicado en: Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference, Edición Jan 2022, 2022
Editor: IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications Networking


Autores: Carsten Weinhold
Publicado en: HiPEAC info, Edición June 2021, 2021, Página(s) 32
Editor: HiPEAC

5G-enabled AGVs for industrial and logistics environments

Autores: Andrea Fernández Sierra, Raúl Lozano, Iván Ibáñez, David Gomez-Barquero, Manuel Lorenzo and Manuel Fuentes
Publicado en: UPV Waves Magazine, 2021, ISSN 1889-8297
Editor: Universitat Politècnica de València

Aplicaciones de guantes hápticos para el control remoto de robots autónomos conectados por 5G

Autores: Lozano Teruel, Raúl
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Universitat Politècnica de València

Desarrollo de una herramienta de visualización para monitorización de logística IoT

Autores: Guzmán García, Eduardo
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Universitat Politècnica de València

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