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Towards Intelligent DC-based hybrid Grids Optimizing the network performance

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TIGON (Towards Intelligent DC-based hybrid Grids Optimizing the network performance)

Período documentado: 2022-01-01 hasta 2023-04-30

TIGON provides information regarding the efficient incorporation of DC-based RES in the energy mix, but also highlights the reasons that prohibit their wider spread.
A new generation of MV SiC-based power converters and an upgrading of a PV module have been preliminary designed. All these devices have a rated voltage of 3 kV DC, they will allow to deploy MV DC grids, intended to integrate in a more efficient way distributed RES, energy storage and DC loads.
The development of an SST as the common coupling point of the DC grid will improve the controllability of the DC-based hybrid grids, providing additional services useful to increase the share of RES and the electrification of services. This power electronics device enables the optimization of the power flows at the AD/DC interface and allow a high degree of control in the DC network. The SST can interrupt the supply from the main AC grid in order to limit any fault current. The protection scheme is a TIGON key development in order to achieve a safe DC microgrid, capable of avoiding high fault currents which can cause destructive effects in electric equipment. The WAMPAC scheme together with advanced control system currently being developed improves the monitoring and controllability of the hybrid grid and maximise the share of renewable generation.
A DSS is being developed to advance possible failures and malfunctions that may occur after the deployment of an hybrid AC/DC grid, it will contribute to security and resilience of the grid by providing guidelines for emergency situations, including black-out start, and about the optimal size and operation of the hybrid grid. DSS may facilitate the integration of RES in hybrid grids.
A cybersecurity defence system is being developed for the TIGON software-based monitoring, control and energy management applications. It will provide a fast, distributed security framework that incorporates the physical state of the defenced system and blocks incorrect operation actions.
Partners are analysing the replication of solutions as well as the technical and regulatory obstacles to innovation of DC-based architectures under the current local and international regulation framework. Exploitation activities are focused on building the most suitable business models for the implementation of DC-based network architectures. Consortium will develop and implement a roadmap of replication for project solutions on the market, and define the most suitable strategy for exploitation.
Wider dissemination has been carried out in various working groups where TIGON has been presented and where cooperation is ongoing, such as BRIDGE initiative.
Partners have dealt with the definition of the framework, the data handling, the analysis of the demo sites and the beginning of the development of the solutions. An initial design of a complete system has been carried out for French and Spanish demo-sites, based on initial characterization and operating conditions. The technical assets developed in the project have been defined in order to be integrated and used accordingly to demo characteristics and to demonstrate its capabilities to achieve the future spread of DC/AC hybrid grids.
A breaker-less and wide-area protection scheme has been proposed to ensure secure operation in DC grids. For each demo-site, a grid model is being developed in a real time digital simulator in order to evaluate the protection system performance under multiple operation scenarios and study cases. In parallel, a detailed specification of the EMS has been defined by partners. TIGON demo-sites models have been translated into a preliminary design of the DSS that has been proposed, including grid sizing and operation planning.
Existing cybersecurity solutions and TIGON distributed security framework requirements have been analysed (regulatory landscape for data protection and cybersecurity and defence mechanisms for the thread models facing DC and AC/DC hybrid grids).
The development of hardware solutions to enable the building up of these find of systems such as the power converters and the PV installation are in progress, and a preliminary design has been overtaken.
Initial works at demo-sites are in progress, including the acquisition and installation of commercial elements, as well as the establishment of general electrical layout.
Partners have identified and characterize TIGON exploitable results results based on degree of innovation, exploitability and impact. This first map will be useful for the development of possible business models, to be updated with project achievements. At the same time, those solutions closer to TIGON concept have been identified and commercialization lessons learnt have been studied. Main TIGON results include the SST, SiC DC/DC converters, DC protection schemes, MVDC PV plant, WAMPAC system, EMS, DSS tool for DC-based grids and a cybersecurity defence system.
To ensure compliance with the provisions of the GDPR, a consent form template for project participants in TIGON’s pilot sites (Spain, France, Bulgaria and Finland) has been prepared. This form will be adapted to the specific needs of the respective pilot sites.
Project activities will contribute to the homogenization of the data, including the personal data. Continuous evaluation of the data that will be collected in each pilot site will take place and a re-assessment of whether a DPIA form is necessary. In the cases where the DPIA form is completed, the DPIA should be revised and updated if necessary, in the duration of the project.
SST device and DC/DC converters designs will be completed and manufactured to validate them in both demo-sites (France and Spain). Besides, central controller for the whole system will be designed and implemented. A generic server dedicated to the execution of protection and control algorithms will be used to centralize current and voltage measurements at multiple network locations, allowing the development of WAMPAC solution. Additionally, PV modules will be characterized and installed on french demo-site and a MV DC connected BESS system will be used in spanish demo-site.
During next stage of the project, WAMPAC system algorithms will be validated, hybrid grid models will be concluded, and a HIL test platform will be enabled with real smart meters and protections relays. The whole control architecture and the EMS control will be concluded and validated. Additionally, centralized and distributed EMS approaches will be compared through simulation. DSS will be improved and will allow adding new grid elements, based on cost and benefit analysis and demo-sites operation. Regarding cybersecurity, TIGON will provide a cyber-resilience plan and data integrity attack scenarios.
A monitoring plan to gather data required to asses pilots KPIs during demonstration phase will be established.
Exploitation strategy will consider the characterization of results, a preliminary exploitation roadmap and a patent analysis. The replication strategy will be adapted and refined to ensure the consecution of the project impacts considering the results from the demo-sites, the constructed business models and the related CBAs.
By the time the achievement of the first major project results and the start of the demo site activities, TIGON will be able pursue collaboration with other relevant targeted stakeholders, projects at physical BRIDGE events (when they occur) or at specific industry events.
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