Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ReCreate (Reusing precast concrete for a circular economy)
Período documentado: 2022-10-01 hasta 2024-03-31
The work has continued, and D1.2 (Diagram of building, component and connector typologies) submitted, as well as M6 (Structures established for the digital map, element typologies, taxonomic tree of relations and open access digital database) achieved. The work has focused on ReCreate pilot countries and continues next with additional countries.
WP2: Deconstruction
Salvaged elements have been obtained from 6 deconstructed donor buildings. Learnings on safer, faster and less costly deconstruction producing high quality components was acquired that was documented in deliverables and transferred to WPs 6 and 7 for further analysis.
WP3: Logistics and processing
The framework of effective data storage and exchange of BIM models and other data is in use in various digital workflows throughout the project, including the capture and analysis of data from the quality assurance processes. The technical options for the tagging of elements for smart logistics have been explored and tested.
WP4: Quality management
Material properties of elements harvested from deconstruction pilots were studied with laboratory tests and/or full-scale test and reported in a deliverable. Guidelines for detecting visual defects of elements were devised and used on deconstruction sites.
WP5: Redesign and reassembly
Preparation of reuse pilots continued, but other WPs must proceed first before the project can culminate in the reuse pilots (in Finland, Germany and the Netherlands – Sweden has already implemented the pilot and is planning a second ‘digital’ pilot). Pilots will be implemented in 2024-2025.
WP6: Potential to reach energy and climate targets
Numerous workshops and meetings have been carried out concerning the common approaches and differences on data collection for the Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Costs and climate potentials within the ReCreate Country Clusters. Data collection relies on the progress of the pilots. The partners are preparing a scientific article manuscript on how LCA system boundaries and allocation questions should be solved when the environmental impact of reused elements are evaluated.
WP7: Exploitation, business model development and business case
Business model aspects of reusing precast concrete components have been studied through the pilot projects. Research interviews and ethnographic observation have been conducted. Two deliverables and several scientific papers have been published.
WP8: Policy support and social acceptability
The work in WP8 is determined by developments in the pilots and the policy environment. This means that work focuses on different issues in different Country Clusters. In Finland, the work has focused heavily on the fieldwork of the deconstruction and the according planning and analysis. Much work has also been done surrounding the political question whether deconstructed elements should be considered demolition waste or not. In Germany, fieldwork has focused on the greatest difference to the work processes, i.e. lifting, dismantling the elements and leading the workplace. Fieldwork in the Netherlands focused on the same issues, and all three pilots were documented with videos and photos in order to analyse work processes and the use of tools.
WP9: Communication and dissemination
Communication activities are continuously ongoing and the achievements of the partners are being regularly disseminated and communicated through the official channels of the ReCreate project, as well as through partners’ own channels. Communication & dissemination strategy is continuously adapted and expanded as the project is being executed. Engagement with stakeholders is regular. Three additional internal tools were developed to support the implementation of communication activities: a communications content plan, a scheduling plan, and a scientific article plan.
Expected results until the end of the project: four real-life innovative pilots; business models and processes enabling economic value; profitability analyses; smart pre-demolition audit; building information model (BIM) and marketplace integration; novel deconstruction equipment; new dismantling, design and construction practices; novel safe deconstruction methods; novel quality-control methods; proposal to standardisation committees on quality assurance and product certification; precast concrete reusability handbook; supply and demand analysis; life-cycle analysis (LCA) over the value chain; roadmap to actions inducing and sustaining a reuse market; Open Data Access; proposal for RMIS supplementation; joint public-private articles in high-impact journals; scientific & professional conference presentations; and new learning contents.
Potential impacts: unlock un- or underexploited raw materials and improve circularity, closing material cycles; improving economic viability, market potential and value creation of deconstruction and reuse; improving health, safety and environmental performance; improve material and value recovery rate via wider application of smart deconstruction techniques and procedures; and pushing EU to the forefront of circular construction technology though generated know-how.