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Redefining mass spectrometry – a breakthrough platform for real-time noninvasive breath analysis with single ion detection of intact viruses and bacteria and post-analysis molecular characterization

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ARIADNE (Redefining mass spectrometry – a breakthrough platform for real-time noninvasive breath analysis with single ion detection of intact viruses and bacteria and post-analysis molecular characterization)

Période du rapport: 2022-06-01 au 2023-11-30

The objective of the ARIADNE project is to develop a breakthrough analytical platform based on mass spectrometry (MS) for detecting intact virus particles directly from breath. This is the main goal, upon many others listed as deliverables, which require an entire new range of highly disruptive technologies to be realized and applied successfully. These technologies relate to all the design aspects of the ARIADNE MS platform and include a novel sampling interface and complex aerosol processing methods, a new ionization source for supercharging particles and droplets, gas dynamically optimized transfer optics, advanced top down analytical workflows in the ultra-high mass range performed in the Omnitrap platform, and mass analyzer designs with integrated novel detection schemes. Successful implementation of the ideas currently being realized will have a significant impact in all aspects of instrumentation design and applications development based on MS.
WP1 - At the end of the second resporting period (RP2), the following developments were made: The breakthrough result on super-charging of aerosol particles is yet to be accomplished. Significant progress has been made by partner FIT who is leading these efforts. A first round of experiments has been completed and a new plan has been devised to fulfil the goal, which is to ionize virus particles to higher charge states, D1.1. A summary of the efforts undertaken until this second Reporting Period is provided in Section 1.2.1. In addition, D1.3 concerned with the development of a new breath aerosol concentrator is now completed, and a detailed description is provided herein. Finally, partner KI has already proved that proteomics workflows on breath condensates is feasible while partner FIT is now developing a new solution phase collection interface compatible with the rest of the ARIADNE hardware, D1.5.

WP2 - At the end of the second resporting period (RP2), the following developments were made: Despite the delays experienced by partner FAST for reasons outlined in Section 5.2 of the second Technical Report, the ARIADNE platform is currently being assembled, D2.1 electronics are being tested, D2.5 and software is being finalized, D2.6. All three deliverables will be completed in Q2 2024. In addition, the first diffusion charger - faims prototype has been assembled and PTR reactions with proteins and aerosol particles will be tested in Q2 2024.

WP3 - At the end of the second resporting period (RP2), the following developments were made: Partners CNRS-Lyon and SPS have made significant progress with the first FT-CDMS. A working prototype is currently being operated in pass-through mode successfully, D3.2 and an updated version of the acquisition system & allied data processing tools are installed, D3.4. In addition, the simulation part of the project concerned with the coupling of the FT-CDMS to the ARIADNE platform is also completed, D3.5. Improvements in the FT-CDMS hardware are planned to enhance performance in trapping mode.

WP4 - At the end of the second resporting period (RP2), the following developments were made: The Omnitrap platform is now delivered to partner USieg and is operational on the QE UHMR mass spectrometer, D4.1 while first data on analyzing virus particles using this system are produced, D4.2. Now that the Omnitrap is fully functional, partner’s USieg main focus is operating the QE UHMR in the ultra-high mass-range, D4.2 which is a necessary prerequisite for performing the top-down experiments combining the Omnitrap technology. In addition, partner FAST will concentrate on the top-down experiments, D4.4 as soon as the ARIADNE platform becomes operational. Finally, partner CNRS-Lyon is redesigning the FT-CDMS to enhance trapping efficiency and execute top-down experiments with the CO2 laser, D4.6.

WP5 - At the end of the second resporting period (RP2), the following developments were made: Partner KI has completed successfully the task concerning the advancement of single bacterial cell proteomics, a novel proteomics workflow that resulted in a peer review publication, D5.2. Furthermore, USieg has successfully completed the development of proteomics workflows for viruses, D5.3. This know-how will now be extended to advance proteomics workflows for analyzing viruses, a very challenging task due to the extremely low number of proteins present in the sample, D5.4.

WP6 refers to Management & Coordination, while WP7 to Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation. A more detailed description of the activities of the consortium with respect to these tasks is provided in the second Technical Report
An outstanding list of new technologies is currently being developed within the framework of the project, and successful implementation of only a part of those ideas currently brought forward will be a great success. In this first stage of the project, different subsystems of the instrument are being developed independently by the partners.

ARIADNE is a new radical approach to monitor viral particles exhaled directly from breath in real-time. Successful implementation and execution of the project will lay the foundations for a new direction in the development of high-end analytical instrumentation deployed to fight and contain epidemics and pandemics. Any positive result in the direction of providing fast, sensitive, real-time information on the health state of an individual by tracing the viral load directly from breath will be communicated and set the scene for future research in this direction. The resulting technology will be key to rapidly screen and diagnose large populations. In that regard, the scope of the ARIADNE project remains extremely relevant and the expected impact quite substantial.