Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NEU-ChiP (Neuronal networks from Cortical human iPSCs for Machine Learning Processing- NEU-ChiP)
Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2022-08-31
optogenetic and cMOS MEA interrogation of hIPSC derived human neuronal networks, microfabrication of chemically patterned surfaces for directed cell growth, determining network architecture effects on network firing properties, development of network simulators containing thousands of neurons, and development of a 2-node simulation with excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors. The consortium held a fruitful 2-day meeting in Barcelona with presentations and progress discussions. All deliverables for period 1 were submitted.
Main results:
• Generation of human iPSC-derived neural progenitor cell lines stably expressing genetically encoded calcium indicator (GCaMP6).
• Development of functional and reproducible “defined” co-cultures that respond to ionic and pharmacological manipulation.
• Growth of neuronal cells in devices and patterned surfaces.
• Recording from functional 2D and 3D organoid cultures on 3Brain CMOS MEA devices.
• Fabrication and characterisation of Micro-structured devices.
• Use of micro scale devices to direct neurite growth between cell populations.
• Monitoring the development of the human neuronal cultures during the processes of differentiation and maturation using Calcium imaging and MEAs.
• Determination of response of neurons upon stimulation on the MEAs.
• Investigation of effect of chemical stamping and PDMS mould patterning on neuronal network dynamic behaviour.
• Numerical simulations to understand the experimental results and provide data to WP4.
• Development of stimulation protocols to imprint tasks in evolving neural networks.
• Devising methods for inferring functional connectivity from neuronal activity data.
• Probabilistic and statistical models of signal transmission by neurotransmitters between a presynaptic neuron and a postsynaptic neuron.
• Dissemination and exploitation plan – this was developed during a consultation with the beneficiaries (D6.2) and was submitted in M12.
• Kick off meeting online and in-person consortium meeting in Barcelona.
• All deliverables for P1 submitted.