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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Development and Commercialisation of the ‘Next Generation’ patient-centric wearable Tube Feeding System

Description du projet

Une nouvelle technologie d’alimentation entérale

Plus d’un million d’enfants et d’adultes en Europe et aux États-Unis dépendent de sondes gastriques, et ce nombre devrait augmenter dans les prochaines années. Des centaines de maladies nécessitent une alimentation quotidienne par sonde gastrique (alimentation entérale), allant du cancer à la sclérose en plaques jusqu’à la fibrose kystique. Il existe une demande en hausse émanant des patients pour simplifier cette méthode d’alimentation et la rendre plus discrète. Tel est l’objectif du projet Mobility financé par l’UE. La nouvelle méthode remplacera les solutions lourdes, compliquées et onéreuses utilisant des pompes électriques, et entend révolutionner les modèles d’entreprise commercialisant et distribuant de l’alimentation entérale. Plus globalement, la technologie innovante du projet transformera et améliorera les soins des patients nécessitant une sonde gastrique.


The consortium's mission is to radically improve the lives of people dependant on the use of tube (enteral) feeding. This is an under-served segment that experiences low patient satisfaction and high patient distress. Patients and clinicians alike agree that enteral feed patients’ needs are not being adequately met by current options.

Over 1,000,000+ people in Europe and US are dependent on tube feeding every day, expected to increase by 8% over the next 3 years. Over 300 conditions require daily tube feeding, such as Cancer, MS, Cystic Fibrosis and Diabetes. Mobility+ will transform the tube (enteral) feeding market by introducing a game-changing user-centric feeding system.

Users in both home settings and hospitals demand simplicity, ability to feed discreetly when on the go, enhanced functionality and are looking for the tube feeding to be as normalised an experience as possible.

Mobility+ is a complete solution that ensures the wellbeing of tube feeding users and provides new functionalities. It will replace existing cumbersome, complicated, expensive solutions utilising electricity driven pumps and it will disrupt existing business models of how enteral feed is sold and distributed.

This consortium seeks funding through the H2020 Fast Track to Innovation Pilot Scheme H2020-EIC-FTI-2018-2020 programme to accelerate the commercialisation our innovative technology (currently at level TRL 6). We aim to transform and significantly improve care for patients requiring tube feeding. We have assembled a business focused consortium to achieve commercialisation in target markets by month 30 from project start.

Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 103 442,71
F92 FC93 Letterkenny

Voir sur la carte

Ireland Northern and Western Border
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 103 442,71

Participants (3)