Atopic allergic diseases affect a constantly increasing segment of the population. At present, treatments are mostly confined to symptomatic drug regimens. Allergen-driven desensitization programs are used with moderate success. Any innovative form of immunotherapy for Type-I allergies should therefore be aimed at the interference with the underlying immunological mechanisms. The aim of the present research project is to develop a targeting technology to significantly improve immunotherapy using chemically modified allergens. For this, we will use our recent patented discovery that targeting of antigen to antigen presenting cells via Fc-receptor (FcR) bridging results in disabled presentation of the antigen and in antigen-specific inactivation of T cells. This should lead to a better and safer treament modality for Type-I allergies.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
EAW - Exploratory awardsCoordinador
1105 BE Amsterdam
Países Bajos