During the last ten years the overloading of the road systern and environmen has increased drastically as a result ofthe growth of truck-trafflc with over 65 %. It has proved to be essential to improve the competitiveness ofthe waterborne trafflc in order to deminish this environment hazardous progress. The essential part ofthe progress is effective use of small tonnage. There is a cap in navigation technology which irnpedes the safe and effective navigation on narrow waterways and in harbour-areas. The specific objective of this research is to lessen these obstacles by developing a novel integrated shipcontrol system (ISC), the kernel of which is a laser based short range navigation and automatic mooring system. The system will at the sar allow higher speed in harbour operations and decrease the possibil accidents. According to the maritime accident statistics, in 35 % of the cases the dangerous situation was sighted too late and in 40 % not at all. system will be based on image processing of laser rangefinder data and is supported by GPS or dead-reckoning. It is estimated that the new system will deminish 30% of accidents owing to svigation errors, enabling savings of 5% in insurance contribution as well as in nurnber of effective working days. The system will increase the effectiveness of shipoperators by 5-10% and it is estimated to lead to annual investments of 10 MECU.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
EAW - Exploratory awardsCoordinator
100 Helsinki