The environmental role of agriculture and the promotion of the countryside is taking an increasing place in the development of the E.U. and the CAP. Countryside stewardship or management agreements with farmers, with possible remuneration for the production of environmental services, are among others presented as possible policy instruments ; reg. 2078/92). However, there is still a big lack of expertise, in particular about the socio- economic and market effects of such programmes.
The objectives are:
The proposal will carry out a theoretical and empirical analysis in order to investigate if countryside stewardship policies are effective instruments to realise the crosscompliance between environmental and agricultural policy objectives and really contribute to market equilibrium.
Short description of the project:
The proposal is mainly policy oriented and tries to render some advice for programme
and policy designer. The main interest lies in the determinants of cost-effectiveness, the market impact and feasibility of countryside stewardship agreement policies. The following research topics will be clarified :
- the available countryside stewardship instruments and their impact on the output
at farm level?
- the uptake by farmers of these policies?
- the consequences on the market
- the total cost of such countryside stewardship policy in comparison with other
market instruments?
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
9000 GENT