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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27

Enhancing Knowledge Management in Enterprises


ISIKnowledge connects users with a repository of knowledge which enables them to collect, organise, share, and collaborate around the most relevant information within and outside the enterprise. The result is better and faster decisions and the ability to enable positive business change with unmatched agility. The ISIKNOWLEDGE System gives the different users, depending on their own access right, the ability: - To consult and to modify the project information (tasks, calendar, milestones, emails, files, etc.). - To work together within a community (in the same company or not), to exchange information, to immediately publish documents, information, figures, ... to anyone or to a restrictive number of people. ISIKnowledge requires no change in usual work practices or environment. It is a completely non-disruptive, easy-to-use solution that only requires familiarity with any standard web browser. This not only makes it easy to access information, but also to capture, contribute, and share an enterprise corporate knowledge. Some functions: - Integration of file version management. - Automatic HTML conversion for most popular office file formats. - Screens and content are automatically switched to the Web browser language. - All data stored in corporate databases could be integrated inside the repository without any duplication process. - Connexion to ftp or Webdav servers showing the remote file hierarchy. - Access rights could be defined for each user and users groups on each single data. - Users can subscribe to theme or events and automatically receive emails. - All Human Computer Interfaces could be parameterised or personalised. - Data, files, emails are indexed and can be retrieved with the integrated search engine.
ISIWRITE is a product permitting the automatic writing of documents by using rules, specifications and data of the company without requiring software tasks. ISIWrite: - Prevents the writer from repetitive tasks while respecting the rules established within the organisation when writing a document, - Secures the document writing while simplifying the control, - Accumulates the know-how (technical knowledge, rules, norms, writing examples) by making it available and easily usable by all the writers, - Guarantees the consistency between the documents dealing with similar subjects or linked to the same matter, - Is adapted to any domain for which the rules application is important. The operating fields of ISIWRITE are multiple, from the simple letter up to very complex documents as for example: - The quality document writing (ISO norms application, quality rules specific to the company, automatic writing of the using guides). - Proposal writing, answer to tendering (standardisation of the commercial presentation, presentation of the know-how, technical answer framework, application of the financial rules, rules dealing with the guarantee or the industrial property). - The requirement specification writing (hierarchical organization of the constraints, security management, validation procedure or conformity control, supplying packaging, human and hardware protection, working safety). - The writing of administrative forms (attestation, registration, enlistment certificate). - Forms creation.
Two Web-based Training (WBT) courses were designed for the avionics application, one for helicopter pilots, the other for technicians. The information architecture is based on a progressive learning approach from beginners to expert level: Each learning level module is composed of several knowledge blocks and linked to the other modules and followed by a quiz to test whether the student has understood the contents provided. Each knowledge block contains illustrations and/or videos. Three levels of know-how have been identified for the WBT modules for technicians (basic, advanced and expert) and two levels for the pilots course (junior and senior). The main topics to be incorporated into the respective modules have also been defined, so have the metadata allocated to the learning objects to facilitate information retrieval. The content included in the first prototype of the WBT modules, has been gathered, structured and converted to the appropriate format. Based on the existing training materials and participant observation of current face-to-face avionics instruction, a storyboard has been developed. The prototype has been evaluated with both experts and end-users.
The KM framework and guidelines developed in the ENKE project is based on the draft model proposed by the European Knowledge Management Forum (EKMF). The framework was analysed in detail and guidelines produced for its application in a business environment along with suggestions for appropriate methods and tools concerning the individual components: - KM strategies, - Human & Social KM issues, - KM organisational aspects, - KM processes, - KM technologies, - Leadership - KM performance measurement, and - KM business cases & implementation aspects. The KM framework as adapted to concrete business applications serves as a concise description of the major elements, concepts and principles that need to be considered in the introduction of KM. It illustrates the interaction between these elements and serves as a reference for implementation. However, it also leaves room for interpretation in the actual situation. It is not intended as a step-by-step guide, rather as an indication of appropriate measures and direction. It provides an introduction for KM to beginners and acts as a reference guide for more experienced practitioners.
Within the framework of the ENKE project researchers have studied the influence of cultural factors on classroom behaviour in the training centre of a major helicopter manufacturer. Although all trainees are expected to be proficient in English and share the same professional context, their varied cultural values, traditions and attitudes have an influence on their understanding of the content and their cognitive approach to its presentation. One of the aims of ENKE consisted in developing a prototype of a Web-based training course, which was evaluated by both experts and end-users. The results of the usability tests conducted were analysed and recommendations and guidelines drawn up about how to integrate intercultural factors into the design of computer- or Web-based training modules. Very few KM and/or e-Learning initiatives have taken into account inter- or cross-cultural factors despite the global reach of many companies. Integration of cultural diversity in knowledge capture and transfer is an important contribution that ENKE can deliver for the advancement of both KM and e-Learning.
The Quest Knowledge Management Information Portal (KMIP) is a web front-end database backed application, which allows companies to establish a process to manage knowledge so that it can be easily and readily available and shared by the people who need to share it. Generally most companies have some method of sharing some of the information, which is held within the organisation through the use of network folders, email, calendar etc. There are however limitations with these Information Portals as they can not easily be accessed from outside the local area network, they are not open to your clients or suppliers to allow them to view authorised information, unauthorised access is a major problem and they are not designed to allow collaborative working. KMIP allows organisations to overcome these problems by integrating all of the functions, which you need to work together into one solution. KMIP allows groups of people to: - Work collaboratively together whether they are located in the same office or spread across the globe in different time zones. - Share knowledge and ideas for a common purpose. - More effectively collect and manage and exchange information so that it is not lost to the organisation/community. - Have a central and common location to allow knowledge to be stored for working together. The product is commercially available and has been sold into a number of private and public organisations.

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