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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-04-19

Spray-aerodynamic interaction


Combustion starts with the injection of a fuel. Liquid fuel will be introduced into the combustion chamber as droplets to ease its evaporation. The behavior of these droplets in the turbulence field inside the combustion chamber has a significant impact on combustion efficiency and the emission of pollutants.

The objective of this project is to understand better the interaction between aerodynamic features of a range of engineering flows and liquid sprays and its inclusion in a computer-based method of calculation which will benefit design.

The research will provide also a method of calculation for the representation of sprayaerodynamic interactions and experimental techniques such as Phase-Doppler velocimetry, enhanced phase-Doppler velocimetry, particle-image velocimetry and nephelometry. It will have be applied to and developed for a wide range of applications.

Primary and secondary atomization, evaporation and combustion of steady and unsteady sprays will be addressed using light-scattering techniques. The work will be carried out in five different tasks:
1. Spray aerodynamic interaction and its effect on Diesel engine performance (Univ. Politéc.Valencia) :
Basic unsteady Diesel spray experimental studies will be performed under different conditions. Endoscopic high-speed visualization of injection-combustion phenomena in a real Diesel engine will be combined with classical performance parametric engine studies.

2. Measurement of velocity, size droplet and fuel concentration in a four stroke engine (Univ. Paris VI) :
Phenomena of liquid atomization in the cylinder of a motored four strokes engine with skip ignition will be studied by means of Mie scattering and digital image processing.

3. Interaction of multiple sprays (Univ.Erlangen-Nürnberg) : Experimental basic spray studies will be performed, focused on interaction of multiple sprays with and without influence of air flows and wall impingement. An extended phase Doppler anemometry technique will be the main tool to carry out these studies according to droplets' refractive index of sprays.

4. Modelling of spray-aerodynamic interaction (Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens) : This computational work will use the data provided by the other four partners to check and improve their computer--based calculation methods. The latest numerical procedures and models for turbulent-flow characteristics, will be used.

5. Steady and unsteady sprays with evaporation and combustion (Imperial College, London).
PDA will be combined with high-speed photography to examine flow structure of gasoline hollow-cone steady and unsteady sprays with evaporation and combustion.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
14,Campus de Camino de Vera 14

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Total cost
No data

Participants (4)