The understanding of radiation damage sustained by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been advanced by studies of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure at various wavelengths and intensities. The identity and distributions of photolesions in DNA have been evaluated using synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides.
Significant progress has been made on various aspects of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) photochemistry including direct ultraviolet (UV) excitation of DNA, photosensitized reactions on DNA and targetting reactions using oligonucleotide photosensitizers.
Studies have been conducted as follows:
detection of photolesions in DNA;
structural characterization of photoproducts;
fluorimetric actinometry;
reactions sensitized by methylene blue, thionine and related compounds;
photosensitization of DNA by ruthenium complexes;
porphyrins as DNA photosensitizers;
interaction of aromatic ketones with DNA components;
photosensitized DNA damage by acetone, riboflavin and ellipticene;
synthesis of oligonucleotide photosensitizer conjugates;
site directed cleavage of DNA by photoreactive oligonucleotides.
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