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Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-27

Pilot project stimulating environmentally friendly and energy efficient refreigerators and freezers


The promotion of energy saving in households by pulling the attention to the energy-use of cooling and freezing equipment.
A shifting of market share of energy efficient fridges and freezers of 20 to 40 %.
The pilot project was held in the period of 1st June - 1st January 1994 and was carried out by 8 energy distribution companies. The trial has been successful the activity will be executed throughout the country in the course of 1994.
On the one hand the activity is directed towards the consumer (an incentive bonus on energy-saving fringes and freezers; promotion by (mass) communication). On the other hand the activity is explicitly pointed to the retailer. The letter is seen as a strong determining factor of the purchase decision of the consumer. Within the framework of the activity the retailers in kitchen articles (in those areas where the activity is taking place) were invited to join in the activities. The participating retailers (and their personnel) have been equipped with (sales) information of energy-saving equipment and of environmental - friendly fridges and freezers. Moreover, they receive activity - materials, which are offered to the consumers through their shops. By means of objective criteria it is indicated which fridges and freezers may be called "energy -saving and environmental - friendly". Stickers and lables are given to the retailers, with which they are able to clearly characterize the energy-saving equipment compared to less saving equipment. As soon as such labeling is effected in the EC, this will be used.
A side-element of the activity is the fact that for every premiumed fridge, an old fridge has to be handed in and processed. Herewith a possible negative effect on the environment because of the activity (the entering into the environment of old fridges which contain CFK) is eliminated.

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