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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-27



To use geothermal resources for the heating of fish hatcher and greenhouses.
The aquifer to be used is of karstic limestone, of the Jurassic period, lying at a depth of 400 m. The production well should yield 40 m3/h at 35 deg.C.
This could possibly be boosted to 100 m3/h if pump assisted. An injection well will also be needed to maintain sufficient pressure in the reservoir. Because of the salinity of the water it cannot be used directly to heat the ponds. A heat exchanger will be used together with direct exchange through submerged pipes in the ponds and through 13000 m2 of greenhouses to be built.
According to the overall project design, a primary energy saving of 957 TOE/YR is expected leading to a payback of 5 to 6 years.
The doublet can be used after little work on the production well. The water could be used by a private investor to supply a recreative and health center around the wells. The artesian flow of geothermal water is 47 m3/h at a 34 deg. C tyemperature. Between January 30 and July 23, 1990 in 380 hours of flow, 76.193 m3 were produced, cooled in an heat exchanger and reinjected in the second well. The produced heat energy is only 620.000 kWh (53 TEP) but the demonstration that the reservoir can be produced for many years has been made with success.
The important point is that the water is perfectly suitable for health utilization with some interesting properties (medical type).
The geographic situation of the doublet nearby a new high way and between Macon, Lyon and Geneva makes the project very attractive.
The geothermal doublet has been used since January 10, 1990 for testing and analyses. Geothermal water is filtered and flows in a heat exchanger. The cold water is pumped from a new well installed near the river. The heated fresh water flows in the pools and then is discharged to the river. The cooled geothermal water is reinjected in the second well of the doublet.
A test with tritium radioactive water was run on January 30 of the same year.
After several months of working without notice of radioactive return in the production well, the surrounding grounds have been adquired by SGEPA.
All the experiments have been carried out with surface pumps and no submersible pump was used. So the flow has been maintained to a low level which seems to be sufficient for the project.
Analyses has shown that the geothermal water is suitable for thermomineral use in a recreative and health center. The slight return of tritium in the production well after six months of circulation shows that the karstic reservoir can be used for many years.
However, the use of the geothermal water for fish nursery in the pools is not possible from an economic standpoint due to the cost of manpower to take care of the production in the site. We have not been able to find a greenhouse user to date.


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