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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

High-Efficiency Axial Flux Machines


Kostensparende Elektromotortechnik mit mehr Sicherheit und Effizienz

Elektromotoren und Generatoren sind allgegenwärtig: in Haushaltsgeräten und Verbrennungsmotoren genauso wie in Windkraftanlagen. Die Radialflusstopologie ist dabei das Grundkonzept der meisten Elektromotoren und Generatoren. Axialflussmotoren hingegen sind eine bessere Alternative, da sie auf lange, schwere Antriebsstränge verzichten. Weitere Vorteile sind hoher Wirkungsgrad und breites Drehzahlspektrum. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HEAF entwickelt eine einzigartige, proprietäre Variante eines Axialflussmotors, der bisherigen Systemen deutlich überlegen ist. Der neue Motor hat einen höheren Wirkungsgrad, ist kompakter und leichter und benötigt weniger Material in der Herstellung.


Electric machines (generators and motors) are ubiquitous, the cornerstones of the modern world and the transition into a low-carbon economy. The impact of electrical machine’s performance on all aspects of energy, from cost-effectiveness to environmental footprint, cannot be overstated. Most machines, however, are based induction motor + gearboxes combinations. These have limited efficiencies and poor reliability, making them unsuitable for applications in e.g. wind power turbines. More advanced direct drive (gearbox-less) machines suffer from cost, size, and efficiency limitations. Most current solutions do not provide a good fit to the requirements of advanced machine usage, where efficiency, mass, volume, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and volume production remain limitations.
Magnax is a Belgian startup team combining unique practical engineering and commercial start-up experience with world-class electric machine research. We have developed a unique, proprietary variant of axial flux direct drive machine, which can provide a step change in efficiency, size, reliability, manufacturing resource requirement, and cost-effectiveness.
Magnax has developed a 100kW full-scale MVP prototype, which is undergoing testing in commercially viable prototype systems within micro-grid wind power solution. The proposed project will develop this concept further: scaling it to MW generators for use in offshore/utility wind power projects, and developing a high-speed motor (HS) version for use in demanding electric motor applications – such as electric vehicles. In phase 1, we will analyse these broader potential markets, and develop a roadmap to take the MW and HS products to market via validation in commercial trials (phase 2), and scaling to market (phase 3).

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€ 50 000,00
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