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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2023-01-02

Demonstration of alternative approach to toxic gas shipments


To demonstrate a technically feasible and cost effective means of compliance with EEC directives on restricted transport of toxic waste, in accordance with the Basle Convention as it relates to the re-use of toxic gas cylinders. Results will show how new point-of-use technology can dispose of waste gases, providing a real alternative to shipment to less efficient large-scale waste incinerators.

DELTA will demonstrate the effectiveness of a new technology for disposal of toxic gases and volatile liquids returned to gas companies in containers for recycling. Point of use technology will also avoid conditions which can lead to the formation of dioxins, difurans and the release of chlorine containing species.

Currently, waste gases are shipped across international borders and either burnt, scrubbed with aqueous liquids or simply diluted and released to the atmosphere. This approach is no longer acceptable to the European Community

The CEC funded ADAPT Project has developed the concept of combining the advantages of burning and scrubbing in a single step, in the treatment of waste streams from the microelectronics industry at the point of occurence. Having proved that this approach works efficiently, the DELTA project aims to demonstrate that: the same technology can be applied to toxic waste gases in returned cylinders at the Epichem Ltd site; the technology is cost-effective for gas companies; the commercial gas industry will accept this approach. Furthermore, the project will disseminate the results of the project to a wide audience through industrial and government working parties across Europe, ensuring the maximum impact of this LIFE demonstration action.

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Epichem Ltd
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Power Road Bromborough
L62 3QF Wirral
Vereinigtes Königreich

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