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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-07

Upgrading Flow Cytometry for Buoy-mounted operation: first experimental implementation


We propose to design, build and mount the smallest practical basic EurOPA type flow cytometer in a simple buoy, and use it as a test instrument. The objective is to get a clear understanding of the phenomena involved in the upgrading of the current laboratory flow cytometers for application in real in situ devices such as towed vessels, buoys and AUVs. The aim is to realize the first trial instrument for moored field experiments, identify the specific problems involved in the adaptation process, and find the required approach to solve these problems in the near future for more complex/extensive equipment. This will pave the way for successful development of autonomous real in situ phytoplankton cytometers with 'MAST II- EurOPA' high definition quality in the near future, which may substantially stimulate the automation of environmental monitoring.
In the first stage of the project, the integration of expertise of the partners on flow cytometer design, buoy technology, telematics and marine monitoring logistics, will lead to a number of alternative approaches for the global design (lay-out) of a basic instrument, and alternatives for individual components. After a subsequent stage of studying these approaches and alternatives, the best suited techniques and materials will be selected, engineered to form a complete instrument lay-out, which will be followed by the actual construction of the instrument.
The instrument will be tested in realistic situations, and the quality of the generated data will be assessed with regard to applications of marine monitoring. This results, and the results in terms of the technical quality, assessed simultaneously, will be evaluated in order to make recommendations for reliable implementation of more extensive flow cytometer equipment, such as the EurOPA instruments, on in situ platforms.

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Dubelaar Research Instruments Engineering
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Zeelt 2
2411 DE Bodegraven

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