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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-23

The functioning of families in different cultures: values, communication, interpersonal perception and health


This research project intends to study intensively forty families in two of the participating countries from different points of view and compare the results with data from a longitudinal study of the English participant. The different viewpoints comprise at the same time different levels of investigation: the level of individual members; the level of coalitions within the family; and the level of the whole family as a system.

General content-related topics of interest are the differential description of traditional attitudes toward the family, cohesion, role expectations and satisfaction with one's own role, friendship patterns, styles of communication within the family, shared values, person perception, reciprocal understanding and support, and adaptation to stress from the inside and the environment.

Families will be interviewed, tested and observed on three evenings by two participating observers. Forty families from the two countries will be used as a standard for comparison with families with one or more psychosomatically ill members.

The results of the cross-cultural comparative analysis of interpersonal relations between different family members and the family as a system, including comparative analysis with data from the National Child Development Study (City University, London), will be presented and published.

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