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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-24

Product engineering for nutraceuticals with superior quality


Natural products with positive effects on consumer health are defined as nutraceutiacls. The concentration of nutraceutical compounds in natural raw materials is often rather low. The partners will develop methods for manufacturing and marketing of nutraceuticals with superior quality. The products will have unique properties in terms of concentration, release and improved physiological value by removal of unwanted compounds from plant materials with sustainable process technologies. The product engineering focuses not only on new technical solutions but incorporates also the development of marketing strategies, tailor-made for the markets in western and eastern Europe. The products, technologies and knowledge developed in this research program will improve the quality of food and thereby the quality of life and health in Europe. The products also will have a great potential in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
The evaluation of raw material and obtained extracts was established in qualitative and quantitative terms of concentration of valuable nutraceutical compounds and unwanted compounds (alkaloids, pesticides). For this purpose applicable analytical methods were developed and summarised in Standard Operating Procedures, which yielded efficient and reliable analytical results. Thermo-dynamic data on capsaicin, beta carotene as the active principles of chilli peppers were experimentally determined in systems with supercritical CO2. Eight pesticides from four different groups were chosen and phase equilibria investigated in systems with supercritical CO2 thus obtaining solubility data on mentioned compounds. Such data is of great importance in designing extraction/fractionation processes using high pressure techniques with CO2. Phase equilibria data for systems of raw material and liquid solvents was also achieved at ambient pressure using numerous solvents (acetone, methanol, ethanol. acetonitrile, water, hexane). Therefore, conventional extraction methods were also applied to raw material in cases where a significant solubility was determined.

Laboratory scale experiments were performed on all three natural materials including high pressure and conventional extraction techniques and the findings in terms of optimal process parameters then transferred to pilot scale. Thus, an effective separation of nutraceutical compounds and unwanted components was achieved. Advanced processes were designed and developed together with required equipment, which encountered cleaner products with eco-efficient processes by avoiding the use of unwanted organic solvents. Better product quality was achieved by applying mild process conditions (e.g. oxygen/air free, low temperatures, short residence time). With respect to plant protection materials, the presence of pesticides in raw material and its pathway along the processing line was monitored in Pronutra. The obtained data were in that manner useful to the potential farmer or refiner of raw material.

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