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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Radionuclide dosimetry


A broad programme of research has been conducted including:

- the determination of biokinetic data by measurement and literature review
- the assessment of uncertainties in these parameters
- the formulation of new biokinetic models
- the development of computer codes for dose calculations.

This work was performed in close collaboration with the ICRP Task Group on Internal Dosimetry, INDOS (formerly Age-dependent Dosimetry, AGDOS), and the ICRP Task Group on Dose Calculations.
This proposal is an extension and development of the existing project "Inhalation and Ingestion of Radionuclides" (Bi6-0347b), carried out by organisations 01-07 listed below. Knowledge of organ doses following intakes of radionuclides is needed for control of occupational exposures, for assessing the consequenses of accidental and routine releases to the environment, in nuclear medicine, and in evaluating exposures to radon in both workplaces and homes. This project will:
. Identify and address uncertainties in models used in radiation protection to evaluate organ doses from intakes of radionuclides.
. In conjunction with ICRP Task Groups, develop more comprehensive, realistic and up-to-date models for relating intakes to organ doses, and for interpreting bioassay measurements.
. Develop software to implement improved internal dosimetry models for the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, bone and fetus.
. Measure GI uptake and long term urinary excretion of Pu in man.
. Measure human respiratory parameters and total respiratory tract deposition of particles in different ethnic groups.
. Measure regional respiratory tract deposition of submicron and hygroscopic particles in man, and extend regional deposition models.
. Continue to quantify particle clearance, and commence measurements of absorption into blood, from each region of the human respiratory tract.
. Investigate the extent and duration of the slow phase of particle clearance from the human tracheobronchial tree.
. Investigate mechanisms of slow tracheobronchial clearance: the functional morphology of human respiratory epithelium; the role of airway macrophages; the effect on particles clearing from the alveolar region.

01 National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB (Bailey) (Co-ordinator)
02 Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit
03 Commissariat á l'Energie Atomique
04 Medical Research Council
05 NRPB (Kendall)
06 Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
07 University of Wales, Cardiff
08 NRPB (Popplewell)
09 AEA Harwell Laboratory
10 TNO-Institute of Applied Radiobiology and Immunology


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