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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2022-12-23

Algebraic K-theory, groups and algebraic homotopy theory


The project is centred on quadratic and Hermitian forms, higher degree forms, classical-like groups, their K-theory, and invariants playing a role in the above. It is intended to make progress on the generalized Milnor conjecture, to develop further the theory of global actions and apply it to establishing long Mayer-Vietoris sequences for classical-like groups, to develop a general theory of functors on categories with dimension from which stability results in K-theory can be deduced including the classical unsolved problem of splitting and cancellation for no even Hermitian forms, to make progress on the Ore and Thompson conjectures for Kac-Moody groups and the commutator length problem for classical-like groups, to construct and prove basic theorems for Hochschild and cyclic homology modulo q and relate these to K-theory modulo q, and to make progress towards constructing a coherent geometric theory of higher degree forms over commutative rings and study their automorphism groups as an extension of the notion of classical-like group.

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Universität Bielefeld
Contributo UE
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Universitätsstr. 25
33501 Bielefeld

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Partecipanti (7)