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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-23

Key Parameters for Space Weather


Indeed the time- and spatial-varying space environment is becoming more and more a concern for our daily lives. Worldwide dependence on satellite communications and the fact that electronics are becoming extremely fragile to the space environment that they must be able to endure, are two vital facts signifying the importance of our understanding of this domain. Space weather concerns how the dynamic space environment, basically influenced by our forever changing Sun, can have hazardous effects on technical and biological systems, both in space and on the ground. The space environment is immense covering the Sun, interplanetary space and Earth's local environment (the magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the atmosphere). To establish an efficient forecasting system will demand joint efforts between scientists (observers and modellers) from different branches of geophysics, space and solar physics, relying on the inter-disciplinary approach.

The purpose of this project is to develop the "key parameters" that are needed for space weather predicting, including the initial parameters originating from observations and the predicted parameters obtained from simulations. The network programme proposed here will provide an unique opportunity to bring together fourteen NIS member working in various areas of space weather related topics, along with their INTAS colleagues. Teamwork will help define who the potential users of space weather forecasting centres are and as a consequence make it feasible to itemize what needs to be predicted. Co-operation between the participants will be carried out by exchange of scientists and discussions at the co-ordination meetings. The aim is that NIS scientists will present INTAS related results at conferences and workshops both in INTAS and NIS countries in the years 2001 to 2003. The exchange of results from the studies that will be carried out is realised under a planning and task allocation.

The NIS network will utilise the diverse possibilities of the internet for its results. Exchange of information and data will be based on a well-organised web-site interface and well-written documentation. To test the efficiency and accuracy of the developed "key parameters" several case studies will be defined and theory will be tested on observation.

The goal of defining "key parameters" for space weather prediction will help and guide future endeavours in this world-wide developing field. Due to the vastness of the NIS member locations Internet is often the only way for communications, not only with the outer world, but also with each other. This proposed network will offer the NIS members a way to have their observations and models made available to a broader public and as a result interact more not only with each other, but also with the outside world in the forever growing space weather arena.

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Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
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Ringlaan-3-Avenue Circulaire
1180 Brussels

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