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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-20

Jules Horowitz Reactor Co-ordination Action (JHR-CA)


The need for a second generation Material Testing Reactor -MTR- has been stated by the FEUNMARR 5th FPnetwork: i) An initiative for a new MTR facility in Europe is to be launched to answer the continuous need of irradiation capabilities and to face the ageing of present Mari) This new facility has to be an international service-oriented user-facility to answer demands from international industries and to address broadly shared issues, (safety, sustainable development,). The Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR) in Cucaracha copes with this context. The JHR definition studies provide detailed design, performance versus needs, schedule and cost as an input foam Decision Point on the construction phase. The JHR-CA provides the framework
i) to promote the establishment of a new MTR in Europe and
ii) to support state of art designs for experimental devices and related services. In the field of irradiation infrastructures, thigh-CA improves the integration by pushing a progressive coherent European policy.
The JHR-CA will support
i) the construction of the consortium of potential users having expressed their interest by settling a user-group,
ii) the Expert Group (EG) to guide the experimental devices definition with a comprehensive anticipation of needs, at the relevant state of art, while taking into account safety requirements,
iii) the integration of these devices in the reactor design. Work packages address fuel & material studies, plus medical application. Key results are technical breakthrough in identified issues, best practices for JHR operation, standards for improved European Mars operation (networking existing MTR with JHR, defining a global mid-term strategy for medical application). An International Advisory Group, set-up within the OECD/AEN to assess the project and to impulse the international collaboration, will provide the necessary evaluation and international actions.

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CA - Coordination action


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