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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

Accurate high temperature engine aero-thermal measurements for gas-turbine life optimisation, performance and condition monitoring


Instrumentation is a key generic technology in the gas turbine industry which impacts the development cost, efficiency and competitiveness of gas turbine products in three areas:
- Instrumentation used during product development to validate new product de signs. The main impacts are on product development time and cost and improving efficiency.
- Instrumentation fitted to engines in service to monitor engine health. The main impacts are on cost of ownership, availability and reducing spares consumption.
- Instrumentation to enable optimum control of the engine operation.
The main impacts are on more efficient/environmentally friendly cycles. The gas turbine environment presents unique challenges to instrumentation. The drive to greater efficiency is steadily raising the temperatures and pressures in engines, and this increases the challenge to the instrumentation.
The European Virtual Institute for Gas Turbine Instrumentation (EVI-GTI) identified 3 areas where the lack of adequate instrumentation capability is perceived to be either holding back gas turbine engine development, or leading to increased uncertainty in design methods and component life prediction. 2 of these are addressed by this proposal. Measurement at very high temperature of - gas temperature, pressure - component temperatures and flow.
The objectives of the programme are:
- Reduced measurement uncertainty and engine development costs
- Instruments for validation of design in areas currently inaccessible.
- Reduced component life prediction uncertainty and therefore reduced parts consumption.
- Sensors enabling better engine control and monitoring. Proposed develop technologies are:
- Optimisation of thermocouple technology including development of MMC and ceramic materials for very high temperatures
- Advanced, high accuracy, high temperature, surface temperature measurements
- Advanced high temperature gas path measurements (temperature, flow, tip clearances).

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