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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Lapland Atmosphere-Biosphere Facility


The Lapland Atmosphere-Biosphere Facility, LAPBIAT, consists of seven installations, which are spatially distributed in Finnish Lapland over 500 km range. LAPBIAT offers an access to study the interactions between the thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, biosphere and various types of ecosystems from Taiga to Tundra in the vicinity or north of the Arctic Circle.

The wide variety of disciplines and northern ecosystems represented in the LAPBIAT installations, combined with a highly developed science infrastructure and ready accessibility from all parts of the world, offers visitors interdisciplinary science possibilities that are unique in the world. The scientific tradition is exceptionally long as well. The earliest expeditions date back to t he first geophysical year 1882/83 and the oldest homogenized still continuing atmospheric data sets are nearly 100 years old. Some of the long-term ecological datasets are over 50 years old and long-term field experiments, such as simulated acid deposition experiment have been in operation already for 20 years.

LAPBIAT offers access to on-line satellite data and long-term continuous recordings of many physical quantities reflecting the changes in the Earth's electromagnetic environment and the impact of external disturbances of solar origin on the Earth's system. LAPBIAT offers access to EISCAT incoherent scatter radar system and other ground-based instrument networks, which form a most powerful tool for studies of the ionosphere and atmosphere from stratosphere to thermosphere. By offering an access to this high-class combination of installations LAPBIAT enhances the scientific level of European research. At the same time it gives more research opportunities for European researchers, and enhances the co-operation between Finnish and foreign researchers.

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