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Inhalt archiviert am 2023-03-23

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On overview of the research landscape in European Transport Research by the TIPS project

ICCR Foundation (Austria) has published a report based on the results of a field study undertaken in the framework of the TIPS project.

The main objective of the survey was to give an overview of the research landscape in European Transport Research and to allow the selection of projects that would be supported by the TIPS consortium in their endeavour to transform research results into innovative products and services. Here are some of the key findings: - In terms of outcomes, we identified three different types of outcomes: intangibles, services and products. Most outcomes are intangibles, e.g. assessments and policy recommendations. We can, however, observe differences of the outcomes of the research according to the themes: the high share of intangibles as outcomes of the research is particularly true of the horizontal activities. When it comes to the development of innovative products, aeronautics and air transport have the highest share; product development plays much less a role in sustainable surface transport or in horizontal actions. - In terms of the expected impact, we have identified three different groups: increase in efficiency and effectiveness, job creation; and public awareness and sustainability. More than 80% expect positive impacts on both increase in efficiency and sustainability, and more than two-thirds of the co-ordinators expect job creation as a result of their research, mostly in the transport and research sectors. - In terms of dissemination: one out of three projects does not grant access to their main research results. With all respect for the fact that third-party IPRs might be concerned, the Commission should take a closer look at this result. There is increased pressure on the part of European citizens to improve transparency and accountability. - Dissemination and valorization of research activities are among the main concerns of the European Commission. Apparently, the co-ordinators are quite active in dissemination activities, which might be a reaction to the European ruling pointing out that a sound dissemination strategy is relevant for the evaluation of research proposals. - With respect to the concept of the European Research Area, the TIPS project has looked at the sustainability of the consortia and the use of the research results beyond the lifespan of the projects. The result was quite satisfying. The advantages of a European-wide collaboration are clearly understood, and most of the co-ordinators expect further collaboration and knowledge exchange with some of the partners beyond the project’s lifespan as well. Furthermore, the use of results, methodologies and models that were the results of the research will also be used in the future. On the downside, it should be noted that exchange of personnel is not high on the agenda, though this would be extremely valuable both for the increase in qualifications and the strengthening of European identity. The full report can be downloaded from the project web site at The TIPS project (Enhancing the capacity of EU transport projects to transform research results into innovative products and services) is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the EC under FP7. It aims to enhance the capacity of projects in the field of transport to transform research results into products and services by delivering individual support, training and information on exploitation methodology.

