Bolstering EU-Egypt science research
CMRDI works on AM, a breakthrough technology that builds 3D objects by adding virtually any type of material. Due to recent advances, AM is now being used to fabricate end products for medical implants. Overall, the EU-funded ADM-ERA project aimed to increase CMRDI's excellence in the field of AM through twinning and training activities with European partners. The end goal was to integrate CMRDI into the European Research Area (ERA). The project built on CMRDI's strength as a high-quality research centre through capacity-building activities with three leading European research and innovation organisations in Luxembourg, Romania and the United Kingdom. Exchange visits between CMRDI researchers and the host organisations were carried out, as were joint experiments on several targeted AM research topics. This enabled CMRDI to participate and contribute to several Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) thematic priorities. Six training modules were developed for CMRDI staff on the chosen research topics and on EU research funding instruments. CMRDI increased its visibility in Europe and with the international scientific community. It also promoted AM research results through five workshops in Egypt and an international conference in Romania in 2013. Lastly, an evaluation of CMRDI's research capabilities led to a research roadmap specifying goals and recommendations. The aim was to increase the Institute's research excellence and partnership capabilities for a five-year period following the project. ADM-ERA introduced new medical implants to the Egyptian market, contributing to the state of the art in AM. By laying the groundwork for a sustainable EU-Egypt research cooperation, CMRDI will be able to explore innovative applications and develop pioneering AM technology and techniques.
Metallurgical, research and development, additive manufacturing, medical implants