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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-11-17

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A directory and guide for European Library systems

"Library systems in Europe: a directory and guide" has recently been published with funding from the European Commission (DG XIII/E) under its LIBRARIES (Telematic systems for libraries) programme. The purpose of the guide is to provide objective, quality information on libra...

"Library systems in Europe: a directory and guide" has recently been published with funding from the European Commission (DG XIII/E) under its LIBRARIES (Telematic systems for libraries) programme. The purpose of the guide is to provide objective, quality information on library systems in use throughout the European Union. The lack of such information has, until now, impeded the development of a stable and competitive market; this guide will enable all countries in the European Union to make informed decisions on the selection of new or replacement library computer systems. Each entry in the guide provides: - A functional outline, which includes a general overview and descriptions of all the main functions of library computer systems, cataloguing, circulation control, acquisitions, serials control and inter-library loans; - Information provided by the supplier such as language support, hardware and operating system, software, future developments, support and training, price, and the number of customers by country and type of library.