iPRODUCE launches its competition on solutions and services for the prosumer. Join the open innovation journey!
The competition aims to foster stakeholder engagement by allowing for creative ideas and innovative solutions to be explored and implemented within the framework of the iPRODUCE project following the principles of co-design and co-development. Participants are invited to submit their entries – in the form of ideas for products, services or similar – to one or more of the proposed competition challenges. Submissions to the competition should be original ideas, whether in a concept or in an early stage prototyping phase and looking for design and functionality improvements. // WHAT YOU CAN WIN The competition will award the three top-ranked entries with: > Coverage of costs up to €1.500 to be used for expenses specific to the implementation of the submitted idea (travel to a pilot location, materials). > Mentoring and support (co-design and co-development activities) to implement the idea. > Visibility and promotion of the idea and achieved results during and after the competition. > Support to identify opportunities to commercialise the idea and results. // HOW THE COMPETITION WORKS Entries will be evaluated against four criteria: idea concept, impact, link to iPRODUCE and motivation. All entries will be assessed by two evaluators. The three top-ranked entries will enter into a six-month mentoring and support programme with iPRODUCE, which will include several online sessions. The iPRODUCE team will support winners in maturing and refining their ideas through dedicated co-design and co-development sessions, and depending on the awarded ideas and solutions, make available materials, tools, equipment and infrastructure to support their materialisation. The technical assistance and mentoring aim to help contestants turn their ideas into tangible solutions and products. Awarded contestants will also be provided with visibility of their ideas and, depending on the maturity of the solutions, marketing and commercialisation support may be provided (e.g. matchmaking services, funding opportunities). // SUBMIT YOUR IDEA NOW! Submit your idea to the competition, running from 5 May 2021 to 30 June 2021 (17h00 CEST) at: https://www.f6s.com/iproduce-open-competition-1/apply For more information and relevant documentation, please visit https://iproduce-project.eu/open-competition-1/ and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn
competition, open innovation, manufacturing, furniture, health, mechatronics, DIY, makers, fablabs, makerspaces