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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-11-25

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MEDIA II support for setting up a cinema network for the screening of European films

The European Commission, DG X, has published a call for proposals under the MEDIA II programme for the establishment of a network of cinemas for the screening of European films. The call is pursuant to a Council Decision concerning the implementation of the incentive programm...

The European Commission, DG X, has published a call for proposals under the MEDIA II programme for the establishment of a network of cinemas for the screening of European films. The call is pursuant to a Council Decision concerning the implementation of the incentive programme for the development and distribution of European audiovisual productions (MEDIA II, 1996-2000), adopted by the Council on 11 July 1995. The call comes under an action of the MEDIA II programme which is intended to provide an incentive to cinema operators so that a significant number of European films may be screened in first-release, commercial cinemas. The call is addressed to European operators whose activities contribute to the abovementioned action, in particular cinema networks. Such operators may obtain the tender documents required to submit a proposal from the European Commission. The tender documentation may be requested by mail or fax from: European Commission DG X - Audiovisual, information, communication and culture Mr. Jacques Delmoly Division D/4 200 rue de la Loi (L-102 7/023) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2999214

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