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Content archived on 2024-05-07

Legal and regulatory measures for sustainable transport in cities<br/>at

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Planning urban transport

Traffic chaos is a daily reality in almost all modern cities. Transport authorities continuously search for the necessary measures to regulate such problems. Since it is a complicated issue, it requires collaboration between the national authorities of all countries in terms of information exchange. The legal and regulatory measures for sustainable transport in cities (LEDA) is a comprehensive study that aids regional, national and European authorities to collectively face the urban transport problem.

The main objective of the research project LEDA is to record both legal and regulatory measures in order to promote sustainable transport in cities. Since passenger transport was the primary focus of the project's interest, transport demand and supply were extensively investigated in over 40 different cities. Additionally, the study also involved closely related sectors such as the environment and land-use planning. The study resulted in the creation of an inventory that includes a variety of currently applicable legal and regulatory measures concerning city transport. Based on innovation and affectivity criteria, 20 measures were selected for further thorough analysis that incorporated aspects like public responses, enforcement requirements and other issues related to accompanied measures. The most important feature of the study is the analysis of the measures' transferability. For this reason, the consortium set a realisable framework to study the potential of the measures to be applied in different urban environments. Two types of documentation have been developed. For urban authorities, a set of guidelines for the optimum and effective implementation of the most efficient measures were given while for the regional, national and European authorities, a set of recommendations that indicate the possible effect of new measures on the legal framework were provided. Dissemination of the results is supported by a web site, a CD-ROM with the database, brochures, an international conference and round table conferences in each partner country for exploring the appropriateness of changing the legal frameworks. Four Regional User Groups, which together cover all the Member States and CEC countries, monitor the whole process. It is expected that exploitation activities on LEDA results will be organised mainly by individual authorities within their countries, regions, or cities for the benefit of optimum planning of urban transport

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