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Content archived on 2024-05-21

Accompanying measure on critical technology selection and conference for renewable energy recovery from biomass generated within the european leather sector - (MOND)

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Evaluation matrix for renewable energy technology

The European Union leather industry is well suited to the application of renewable energy systems (RES) technology. A decision matrix was used to determine which particular type of technology was best suited to the sector.

Tannery sites produce more waste material than leather product. A great deal of energy is disposed of within this waste material, which is referred to as biomass. In fact, more energy is disposed off this way than is used in manufacturing leather products. The MOND project has investigated the best technologies for reducing operational costs by using this energy in a sustainable way. Quantifiable criteria were used to select those technologies which were best suited to the leather industry. This involved the use of numerical assessment, based upon a decision matrix. Standards, like emissions/tonne processed were scored on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of the four main criteria which were economy, energy efficiency, logistics and safety. The results were put into the matrix format. Each of the factors assessed had to pass a minimum threshold. Failure to achieve a minimum score for any of the criteria meant the process was not taken any further. Therefore, only those technologies that satisfied all requirements were recommended for implementation. However, the matrix did take into consideration the developmental progress of a technology and any anticipated benefits from it. Once the different technologies had been selected they were then ranked according to their applicability to the leather industry. Each technology was given a grade, which ranged from Best to Worst. This information was also used to match suitable technologies with particular applications within the industry according to geographical area, the requirements of legislation and specific national demands.

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