New x-ray technology poses challenge for dentists
UK-based scientists want to uncover the key information needed to ensure that CBCT is used safely and efficiently and that it is employed to its full potential in the real world. Moreover, they plan to use this information to develop evidence-based guidelines for CBCT users. The new X-ray technology is aimed in particular at dentists and medical physicists. The objectives of the 'Safety and efficacy of a new and emerging dental X-ray modality' (Sedentexct) project reflect this, aiming in addition to achieve more global goals, to provide data targeted specifically at these professions. Hence, the project's researchers will work to determine the level of patient dose in dental CBCT, paying special attention to paediatric dosimetry, and the safety of dentist personnel. They also plan to perform diagnostic accuracy studies for CBCT use in key clinical applications in dentistry by use of in vitro and clinical studies. Likewise, they want to make an economic evaluation or cost-effectiveness assessment of CBCT compared with traditional methods of dental imaging. Finally, the scientists aim to develop a quality assurance programme, including tools for quality assurance work, and to define exposure protocols for specific clinical applications.