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Content archived on 2024-06-18

European Education Connectivity Solution

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Connecting academics and students across EU campuses

Campus card systems used in higher education institutions across Europe suffer from inadequate standards and compatibility issues, hampering the mobility of students and academics. An EU-funded initiative addressed the shortcomings of such an isolated, stand-alone academic information system.

The 'European education connectivity solution' (EECS) project developed a new interconnected and interoperable campus card management system. The EU-funded consortium brought together three small and medium-sized enterprises, and three research and technological development institutions from four EU countries. An integrated, standard-based EECS Campus Card prototype was designed. The project team developed a secure and standardised campus card management system to serve the unique needs and requirements of European higher education institutions. The EECS prototype's architecture and technical design successfully overcame problems related to standards and interoperability, opening up development of the campus card market. Additionally, project deliverables have highlighted the potential offered by interoperable campus card systems for facilitating academic mobility. Although the EECS Campus Card prototype is still in need of further development and real-life demonstration, EECS efforts and activities have delivered positive results, attracting the interest of suppliers and companies. The potential for commercialisation of a marketable product thus exists. In general, all project-related developments translate to significant benefits for a wide range of stakeholders in future.

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