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AdS/CFT correspondence: extrapolation techniques and space-time geometry from gauge theories

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String v gauge theories

In physics, string theory is a mathematical framework used in an attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity. Quantum mechanics strives to describe the evolution over time of physical systems.

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The anti de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, studied in high energy physics, is the equivalence thought by some scientists to exist between a string theory and gravity defined on one space. The potential for applying an enhanced understanding of AdS/CFT correspondence is important to the field of particle physics that seeks to describe diverse strongly coupled systems. Understanding how strongly coupled gauge theories can be recast into classical gravity or weakly coupled string theory is central to such research. The 'AdS/CFT correspondence: extrapolation techniques and space-time geometry from gauge theories' (ADS CFT) project aimed to study several aspects of the hypothesised equivalence between particular string theories and gauge field theories. A specific goal of the EU-funded project was to extend the use of integrability tools (used to study dynamical systems) to more general settings. Another objective was to develop and apply new techniques for constructing new data points between weak and strong coupling descriptions in cases when the application of integrable theory was not an option. The ADS CFT project members achieved their objectives of developing methods to interpolate between weak and strong coupling regimes. They were able to use this accomplishment to reconstruct geometrical information necessary for further study of the space-time background. The project succeeded in enhancing knowledge of the AdS/CFT correspondence and its use as a tool to describe strongly coupled systems.

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