Animal health takes centre stage in Europe
The last decade has seen many outbreaks of animal diseases and zoonoses, from Bird Flu to Foot and Mouth Disease. New, more effective strategies are needed to upgrade animal health and welfare, as well as food safety and market access. The EU-funded project 'European technology platform for global animal health' (ETPGAH) promoted the development of modern tools to control these breakouts. Its scope includes diagnostic tests, vaccines and pharmaceuticals and it supports the strengthening of the European Research Area (ERA) and ensures European competitiveness. The ETPGAH carries out its work via working groups and has established a governance body and has gone on to publish a Vision, Strategic Research Agenda and an Action Plan. To achieve the project's objectives on a more European scale, mirror groups were established, engaging relevant interested parties in different countries. These included government bodies, universities, research organisations and other specialised organisations such as farmers' unions and veterinarians. Importantly, the project's vision and action plan influenced and helped elaborate the Community Animal Health Policy for the European Union (2007-2013). Financial support for the ETPGAH beyond the project's end has been a challenge but some of the stakeholders have provided funding securing an active platform in this important field for many years to come.