Coordinating EU air traffic management research
The ‘ATM RD project identification and information network’ (Sardine) project was designed to collect and process complete information regarding ATM R&D in the EU. The ultimate goals were usefulness in informing and guiding the European Commission in evaluation of EU projects as well as future extension to include industrial ATM R&D. In order to better coordinate ATM R&D, the investigators collected data from the Analysis of Research and Development in European Programmes (ARDEP) database in combination with the Validation Data Repository (VDR). The researchers updated ARDEP and have committed to continuing annual updates to maintain an ongoing record of past, current and planned ATM R&D as well as capabilities for analysing trends and needs in ATM R&D. The investigators produced the so-called Green Book as a detailed guide along with an executive summary of the Green Book. The latter was reported in a customer survey as the most frequently used material, in particular by management, to develop ideas for further analyses or to guide proposal development for future R&D. In addition, the details available in the Green Book were used as reference for budgeting, marketing and contact information. Those using the ARDEP on a daily basis considered it essential to their work. Thus, the Sardine project successfully assimilated European ATM R&D project information along with a user reference book and summary that have proved quite useful. Continuous updating on an annual basis could be enhanced by more frequent updates as well as by extension to include industrial ATM R&D in addition to that carried out by the European Commission. Nevertheless, the Sardine team accomplished its original goals and should facilitate ongoing coordination of European ATM R&D.