Council Resolution on JRC activities
A Council Resolution concerning the activities to be undertaken by the Joint Research Centre (Resolution of 29.4.1992) reaffirms the Community character of the JRC and its role in strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European industry via the scientific excellence of its work and its continuing effort to promote overall efficiency in its organization. The Council considers the JRC called upon to contribute to the implementation of the third Framework Programme, in close coordination with the specific programmes, in particular where it can offer impartial and independent expertise (to include consumer protection policy and, where it has competence, areas such as industrial and material technologies, measurements and testing, environment, nuclear safety, fusion, human capital and mobility). Prenormative research, technological forecasting and industrial risk research should also be carried out. Initiatives to reinforce collaboration with Member State research centres and laboratories should be developed, resulting in a significant JRC role in European scientific integration. It should further optimize use of staff and equipment, and in addition to its task of executing specific research programmes and exploratory research, pursue the provision of services under EAEC Treaty obligations, in other cases for Commission departments following a competitive approach, and under contract for external third parties. Recognizing progress made, the Council: Urges further measures to reduce administrative and personnel costs compared with operational costs; invites the Commission to make concrete proposals on a more dynamic staffing policy, and on means for establishing a more autonomous structure even better adapted to JRC tasks; urges that 1992-1994 objectives be achieved within the estimate of expenditure for the period (especially, targets for third party contractual work should be realized); and invites the Commission to include all relevant information in its annual report, to permit an assessment of the extent to which the JRC has achieved its objectives.