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Inhalt archiviert am 2023-03-01

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A special pallet

The Bizkaian company, Ekoplast Balenciaga, manufacturer of large, high-thickness plastic parts, has developed and patented, in collaboration with the Gaiker technological centre, a special pallet for the handling and transport of coils of sheet steel.

Made of 100% recyclable plastics from containers, agricultural film, the recycling also contributes to a better use of these plastic residues generated by these industrial sectors. Undertaking the novel design with the latest generation CAD/CAE tools and using a novel closed-moulding extrusion technology in its manufacture, an important step in the manufacture of large-sized and high-thickness plastic parts using recycled and recyclable materials has been achieved. The new product provides greater safety in the transport of goods, both in its high resistance and capability to avoid deformations of the part, it can carry up to 15 tonnes. Notable amongst the advantages are its design, mechanical resistance, lack of deformations, greater durability than traditional pallets, resistance to humidity, versatility in the handling and volumes of loads, which means a significant advance for the transport sector, in handling and for storage of the goods. Using recycled and recyclable materials in a 100% manner and fumigation of these type of pallets being unnecessary, makes it a product that is completely respectful with the natural environment. Moreover, given its great resistance, this pallet is reusable several times. At the end of is life cycle, the pallet can be pulverised and used as raw material to manufacture new pallets.