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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-07-29

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MUNICIPIA - urban telematics network

MUNICIPIA (multilingual urban network for the integration of city planners and involved local actors), a telematics network formed between six Italian, Austrian, Spanish and British organizations, is holding a meeting in Modena, Italy, on 6 June 1996.

The purpose of the meeti...

6 Giugno 1996 - 6 Giugno 1996
MUNICIPIA (multilingual urban network for the integration of city planners and involved local actors), a telematics network formed between six Italian, Austrian, Spanish and British organizations, is holding a meeting in Modena, Italy, on 6 June 1996.

The purpose of the meeting is to examine ways in which new information and communication technologies can establish methods of integration between local actors in urban areas. The conference will have three sessions, focusing on the following topics:

- Teleservices in the local reality;
- MUNICIPIA - creating communication among European cities;
- Questions resulting from local experiences.

Speakers at the conference will present their experiences in the field, as a result of both Italian and other countries' activities and policies. Activities at Community level will also be examined.
For further information, please contact:

Cittea Telematica
Mr. Sergio Duretti
Progetto speciale
Via Galaverna 8
I-41100 Modena
Tel. +39-59-206805; Fax +39-59-206877