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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-07-29

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ESPRIT workshops at EITC'96 - European Information Technology Conference

A number of ESPRIT workshops will be held on 28 November 1996 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshops, run by the specific RTD programme in the field of information technologies (ESPRIT), will be held the day after the European Information Technology Conference and Exhibition (EIT...

28 Novembre 1996 - 28 Novembre 1996
A number of ESPRIT workshops will be held on 28 November 1996 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshops, run by the specific RTD programme in the field of information technologies (ESPRIT), will be held the day after the European Information Technology Conference and Exhibition (EITC'96).

The following workshops are scheduled:

- Integration in manufacturing:
. WG 1: Engineering services;
. WG 2: Manufacturing and production enterprises in the 21st century - the factory of the future;

- International cooperation:
. WG 3: Options and obstacles - international cooperation within the ESPRIT programme;

- High performance computing and networking (HPCN):
. WG 4: Promoting networking best practice in industry;
. WG 5: Quality inspection;
. WG 6: Quadrics user group;
. WG 7: Maximise your profit with mathematical optimization and HPCN;
. WG 8: Issues in the marketing and development of European HPCN software tools;
. WG 9: HPCN technology - take-up and transfer;

- Long-term research:
. WG 10: Long-term research workshop;

- Software technologies:
. WG 11: Software technology - 1997 and beyond;
. WG 12: Business needs for open and interoperable security services.
Further information on the workshops may be found on the CORDIS World Wide Web server at:

Further information on individual workshops may be obtained from:

- Integration in manufacturing:
Ronald MacKay
Fax +32-2-2968365

- International cooperation:
Erik Habers
Fax +32-2-2968397

- High performance computing and networking:
Rigobert Foka
Fax +32-2-2961692

- Long-term research:
Juhani Jääskeläinen
Fax +32-2-2968390

- Software technologies:
Joe Gorman
Fax +32-2-2968364