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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Programme Category

Contenuto archiviato il 2023-03-27

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Research programme (EEC) on materials (raw materials and advanced materials), 1986-1989

Part of the first Framework programme (1984-1987) under activity 3: "Improving the management of raw materials", the programme was a follow-up to the 1982-1985 programme on raw materials and to the 1979-1983 programme on recycling urban and industrial waste. It was intended to cover the whole materials cycle: prospecting and the extraction of ores, wood production, processing of materials, recovery and recycling. The most innovative part was that devoted to new materials, i.e. the EURAM subprogramme, which was designed to help enhance Europe's capacity to produce within its borders the sophisticated materials (light alloys, ceramics and composites) essential to progress in many areas of technology.
To develop and promote economical means of supplying primary and secondary raw materials, to develop and master advanced materials technology, to improve the management of raw materials and increase industrial competitiveness, and to promote cooperation within European scientific circles in all phases of the materials cycle.
Four subprogrammes:

- Primary raw materials (Minerals):
. Exploration;
. Mining technology;
. Mineral processing;

- Secondary raw materials:
. Recycling of non-ferrous metals;
. Recycling and utilization of waste;

- Wood, including cork, as a renewable raw material:
. Wood production;
. Wood harvest, storage and transport;
. Wood as a material;
. Mechanical wood processing and the use of finished wood products;
. Pulp and paper manufacturing and processing and wood chemicals;

- Advanced materials (EURAM):
. Metallic materials;
. Engineering ceramics;
. Composite materials.
The Commission, assisted by the Management and Coordination Advisory Committee (CGC) on Raw Materials and Other Materials, was responsible for implementing the programme by means of shared-cost contract research, coordination and training activities, and concerted actions. Under the subarea "Recycling and utilization of waste", one concerted action was included in the programme: "Use of lignocellulose-containing by-products and other plant residues for animal feeding (COST 84a).

The participating Member States were asked to provide the Commission with all information relevant for coordination purposes as well as information on similar research planned or carried out by bodies which were not under their authority.

In light of the experience gained in the course of implementing the programme and after receiving the opinion of the CGC; the Commission could, if necessary, transfer funds from one subprogramme to another, provided that the final appropriation for any subprogramme did not differ, upwards or downwards, by more than 15% from the original appropriation as set forth in the Council Decision.

The Commission was authorized to negotiate agreements with third States, in particular those involved in European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research (COST), with a view to associating them wholly or partly with the programme.

The programme was reviewed at the end of the second year. Following completion of the programme, the Commission sent to the Members States and to the European Parliament a summary report on the implementation and results of the concerted action.